Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Unit 3 (Writing in a New Genre) activity 4/4/23

It’s Unit 3: Writing in a New Genre time! Here’s what we should be thinking/writing about for this writing activity: Reflect upon the major unit activities we’ve worked on this semester, the Education Narrative, the RAB (Reflective Annotated Bibliography) and now the final genre research project. In your writing address the following questions:

-How do you think the major unit projects fit together? How are they related? Be specific and use examples from each (not direct quotations from your work, but the themes and ideas). Try to draw connections between your narrative, bibliography and now your research project.

-Explain the rationale behind what (and how!) you plan on writing about for your research project. If you are choosing to write a conventional research essay—which most (all?) of you seem to be—for your final project, explain specifically why. Think about it! Of all the options you have (TedTalk, podcast, video essay, etc.), justify your decision to write a research paper. Why is it the most effective way to reach the audience you intend to address?

-What do you think you might have done differently in your projects so far, and what might you do differently in the future? This kind of reflection will be included in your “artist statement” in the final project, so really thinking and writing about this today will mean you can include it in your draft of the project. Also included will be:

  1. Context: Give us the background for this project. Remind us how you became interested in the topic.
  2. Rhetorical Situation and Related Choices: Tell us the “why” of your project. What was your purpose for making this project? What audience did you want to direct this information to? Why that audience specifically? Where did you see your piece being shown or distributed to your audience? What appeals did you decide to use (which, of course, may have changed later): facts (logos), emotion (pathos), the credibility of you or someone you talk about (ethos)?
  3. Genre Considerations: Why did you chose the genre you did? What made you think that genre would be the best one for your audience? For example, if you did a brochure, what made a brochure the best way to get the information to your chosen audience — that is, you knew you had a place to distribute it so that seemed logical?

Doing the project: Walk us chronologically through the process you went through to get it done: this, then this, then this… What did you have to change and when? Did you throw out your original idea altogether, and if so, why? Who/where did you turn to for help? When did you panic (if you did) and what did you do about it?


  1. Duc Giang

    1/ How do you think the major unit projects fit together? How are they related? Be specific and use examples from each (not direct quotations from your work, but the themes and ideas). Try to draw connections between your narrative, bibliography and now your research project.

    I think the major unit projects that fit together are brainstorming to choose important ideas, and events, and identifying topics to show people to see. Using the evidence from “ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY” to show us the evidence is true.

    2/ Explain the rationale behind what (and how!) you plan on writing about for your research project. If you are choosing to write a conventional research essay—which most (all?) of you seem to be—for your final project, explain specifically why. Think about it! Of all the options you have (TedTalk, podcast, video essay, etc.), justify your decision to write a research paper. Why is it the most effective way to reach the audience you intend to address?

    I will explain how racism impacts healthcare during covid 19. Moreover, I will use the evidence how is Black Community have higher sickness, death than white Community. I will use the picture, statistics, chart that number of Black Community higher. For me, I want everyone is equality in the United States, especially healthcare for everyone equal.

    What do you think you might have done differently in your projects so far, and what might you do differently in the future? This kind of reflection will be included in your “artist statement” in the final project, so really thinking and writing about this today will mean you can include it in your draft of the project. Also included will be:

    3/ Context: Give us the background for this project. Remind us how you became interested in the topic.

    The background for this project is the United States and it offers some data on the disparities in healthcare in New York City.

    4/ Rhetorical Situation and Related Choices: Tell us the “why” of your project. What was your purpose for making this project? What audience did you want to direct this information to? Why that audience specifically? Where did you see your piece being shown or distributed to your audience? What appeals did you decide to use (which, of course, may have changed later): facts (logos), emotion (pathos), the credibility of you or someone you talk about (ethos)?

    For this project, the purpose is to show us how is racism impacts a lot of life in the United States. It cause the violence, inequality, distinction between rich and poor. I want to direct this information to reader. I think it will be show in college. I use the logos and ethos in my project.

    5/ Genre Considerations: Why did you chose the genre you did? What made you think that genre would be the best one for your audience? For example, if you did a brochure, what made a brochure the best way to get the information to your chosen audience — that is, you knew you had a place to distribute it so that seemed logical?

    I used genre I did because it is the research project, I have the evidence, number, etc. That make clear and true for everyone to understand and know it.

  2. Carla Garcia

    1. The major unit project on how X-rays helped with the diagnosis of COVID-19 is related to other medical imaging technologies such as CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds. All of these imaging modalities have been instrumental in diagnosing and monitoring COVID-19 patients. They all provide different types of information about the body and can help healthcare providers determine the severity of the disease and the appropriate treatment. Additionally, the project is related to the broader field of medical imaging and the ongoing development of new technologies to improve patient care.
    1. Infographics can be an effective way to present complex information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format. The rationale behind writing an infographic about the use of X-rays in COVID-19 diagnosis is that it can help make the information accessible to a broader audience, including those without a background in medicine or science. The use of visual aids, such as graphs, can help illustrate key points and make the information more engaging. 
    1. When considering what might have been done differently on previous projects, I believe I could have spent more time rewriting and brainstorming. This would have made it easier for me to express my thoughts clearly and organize my writing well. Additionally, asking for my professors feedback may provide insightful information and helpful feedback.
  3. Sandra

    The project that I would be doing is about COVID.This topic will get everyone’s attention because COVID was a effective issue for everyone.I would want to get more respirar such as graphs and news.COVID was a big impact so there is so many resources.

  4. Tatiana K

    I think the quintessential unit venture fits collectively with narrative bibliography through the use of beginning with the main thinking of your predominant unit and then add the narrative bibliography as the principal occasion and conect them this way and additionally discover distinctive examples that will deliver up the corridor notion from both themes. For occasion if I pick out a documentary or notes from a scene of a movie and I furnish an rationalization for how a brief scene or a movie will be crucial then I’ll carry as an occasion a documentary movie about R.B.Ginsburg in Netflix and supply an clarification for to audienc that quick movies and documentaries supply us a lot of data in this case , we find out out a lot increased about a man or girl who preceding away then again it used to be a legend.

    What I would do new in my new assignment is that I’ll add extra images and movies to make my project fascinating to the target market and greater interesting.

    I bought involved in this mission because of a courage that my persona used to have in each decision she made.

    The enchantment I would use for my project it is possibly trademarks and pathos as I have data that whatever my persona had accomplished it worked nicely in hobby of women.

  5. Freddy Cen Liang

    Do we still need a degree now? I think we are now in a new era, we don’t need to be like 20 years ago, do we still need to get some certificates to prove ourselves now?

    Because I now we have many places to learn, we do not necessarily rest in school, we can see a lot of learning materials on the Internet. And I know there are many people now who have taken out a lot of loans in the bank in order to be in college. I want to know if this degree is worth it or not, people in their 20’s spend a lot of time and money to get it. I want to send these breaks to people who are preparing for college, who are in college or and their parents. To show them that there are plenty of options out there. I decided that I would use FACTS

    I thought it would be better to post in a presentation, it would be more convincing.

  6. Heylin D

    The major unit project connects in a way of how I can pull an audience together for them to maybe learn more about social media impacting teens. With my Bibliography and my research project now, I can connect it by showing pictures to bring content to get reactions from the audience. Whichever genre I choose, I want to be able to make it look presentable for the audience where they can understand what’s going. And why they should understand it better.

    1. Context: I became interested in this topic because a lot of people go through this struggle on a daily, and to know that there’s available resources that can help cope with this is a great way for the society.
    2. Rhetorical Situation and Related Choices: My purpose for making this project is to get people to understand that having too much screen time can affect your mental health. The type of audience this might be directed to is the academic audience because there were studies from doctors and psychologists explaining the downfall of teens mental health. I used ethos and logos because I was speaking about teens and I was stating what I got from the resources I found. Explaining how they can struggle with severe depression, anxiety, fear and etc during and after Covid.
    3. Genre Considerations: For this project, I’m maybe thinking about doing a comic but I’m still not so sure about it as I was to explore other ideas in the moment. Although, comic may sound like it will appeal the audience by the graphics of drawing.

    The process going through this project was a journey with trying to find resources for my topic. Trying to see if it was too narrow which in class it was helpful when we shared all of our research questions because we got input on how to make it better.

  7. Tatiana K

    I suppose the fundamental unit3 task fits collectively with narrative bibliography by using starting with the major thinking of your predominant unit and then add the narrative bibliography as the primary instance and conect them this way and additionally find different examples that will convey up the hall thought from both themes. For instance if I pick out a documentary or notes from a scene of a film and I provide an explanation for how a brief scene or a movie will be vital then I’ll bring as an instance a documentary film about R.B.Ginsburg in Netflix and give an explanation for to audience that short films and documentaries deliver us a lot of statistics in this case , we discover out a lot greater about a woman who previous away however it used to be a legend.

    What I would do new in my new assignment is that I’ll add extra images and movies to make my project fascinating to the target market and greater interesting.

    I decided to involved in this mission because of a courage that my persona used to have in each decision she made.

    The genre I will use is documentary and the appeals are going to apply more to Logos and Pathos, the things my character had done, were done well for a fact and the amount of women she helped brings only good emotions.

  8. Darianny Morales

    I will going to do a podcast to get my audience attention and I will propose some type of question to make they think about it. Also, I will try to put some pathos to make them feel some kind of feelings and emotions in my topic. In addition I will try to put some short music to keep my audience entertained. 

    I choose eating disorder as my topic because it was so interesting to me to discover how can I deal with eating disorders and how I could be of help to help other people in that situation

    My purpose to making this project is to gain knowledge and support people around me. Since in this society we live with, there a stereotype where to be “beautiful” you have to be skinny, a society that don’t even care about the health of others because is more important to be skinny than to be healthy.  I want to direct this information to the teenagers. I want that teenagers feel good in their bodies without complaining because I know for them is kind of hard sometimes not fit in the stereotype of social media, because for the social media the society it how it is because they spect that everything they see in social media is true.

    I chose my genre because I think that with my words I will transmit what adolescents want to hear, because apart from talking about eating problems, I will try to give advice that maybe they would like to hear. Because adolescents, even if they don’t comment on what’s happening to them, like to be understood without being judged. that’s why I chose to do a podcast to express myself in a better way.

  9. Tanvir Zaman

    1. How do you think the major unit projects fit together? How are they related? Be specific and use examples from each (not direct quotations from your work, but the themes and ideas). Try to draw connections between your narrative, bibliography and now your research project.

    I think the major unit projects fit together because I chose global warming on both units. And each project has clear connections to learning, clear understanding and a range of skills that will be useful. The connections between Annotated bibliography and genre is both projects showed evidence.

    1. Explain the rationale behind what (and how!) you plan on writing about for your research project. If you are choosing to write a conventional research essay—which most (all?) of you seem to be—for your final project, explain specifically why. Think about it! Of all the options you have (TedTalk, podcast, video essay, etc.), justify your decision to write a research paper. Why is it the most effective way to reach the audience you intend to address?

    I will explain and show the evidence of how global warming increases greenhouse gasses, affects the environment, economic impacts, health impacts, extreme weather, and rising temperature. I like to address governments and all the people around the world.

    1. What do you think you might have done differently in your projects so far, and what might you do differently in the future? This kind of reflection will be included in your “artist statement” in the final project, so really thinking and writing about this today will mean you can include it in your draft of the project. Also included will be:
    1. Context: Give us the background for this project. Remind us how you became interested in the topic

    One day I was scrolling through my Facebook and I saw a video about global warming. I see people cutting down trees causing less rainfall and increasing temperature causing climate water to decrease. 

    1. Rhetorical Situation and Related Choices: Tell us the “why” of your project. What was your purpose for making this project? What audience did you want to direct this information to? Why that audience specifically? Where did you see your piece being shown or distributed to your audience? What appeals did you decide to use (which, of course, may have changed later): facts (logos), emotion (pathos), the credibility of you or someone you talk about (ethos)?

    My purpose for making this project is to show us understanding of the issue of global warming. The audience I want to direct this information to are students, policymakers, community leaders and the general public. I decided to use logos.

    1. Genre Considerations: Why did you chose the genre you did? What made you think that genre would be the best one for your audience? For example, if you did a brochure, what made a brochure the best way to get the information to your chosen audience — that is, you knew you had a place to distribute it so that seemed logical?

    I chose this genre because it’s important for all of us. Everyone is impacted by global warming because it doesn’t just affect some countries or communities but is a worldwide phenomenon that affects everyone. The audience has to be informed on how people and communities in many parts of the world might be impacted by the consequences of inactivity, such as climate change.

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