Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Letter to Past Self or from Future Self 3/30/23

Write a letter to your past self or from your past or future self. Or just make a list of what would want to convey. This is your self, so take whatever approach suits you. You might consider, though, talking to your self kindly, as you would to a friend or younger sibling whose development you want to foster. Think about the rhetorical features of a personal letter when you write (but also consider the fact that the actual audience will be your professor and classmates, as you’ll be posting the letter on OpenLab) too.

Knowing what you know now—as a reader, writer, and student—what would you tell your self of the recent past? (perhaps your pre-pandemic self, your self from the beginning of college or from before some other turning point)

Now, imagine your near-future self (perhaps from the end of the semester or as you graduate from NYCCT) looking back at you now. What do you hope he/she/they will say to you? What do you hope they’ll be thanking you for?

Or perhaps your past self has some wisdom or admiration for you. What would he/she/they have to say? How might your past self be of service to you now?

Reply to this post when you’re finished. If you have any questions let me know.


  1. Darianny Morales

    To my past self: 

    You will be okay, you will be okay just be patient and do what makes you happy. You are an incredible person who has bigs inspiration, keep going. Also take break don’t take everything that serious. Talk how you feeling with your mom or with your closest friends they will understand your feelings, don’t put so much pressure on yourself, you can! one thing at a time. Always remember it!!

    To my future self: 

    I know you can girl!! Even though things get difficult I know you can because you have always been able.Take break but not longs breaks because I know you and I know you are a distractible person so be focus on what you have to finished in class and be focus on what you want in life. I love you and I always will!

  2. Duc Giang

    Letter to Past Self or from Future Self

    Dear Duc in the future,

    Greetings from the future! I hope this letter finds you well and in a good mood. I’m writing to you from the year (current year + 5 years). I wanted to use this chance as your future self to impart some knowledge and guidance that I have learned over the previous few years.

    First of all, let me reassure you that everything will be well. I am aware that you are now dealing with many difficulties and uncertainties in your life, but I want you to know that they will all eventually pass. Future problems await you, but I do not doubt that you will overcome them and come out stronger than before.

    I also want to let you know that you have enormous potential. You possess a special combination of abilities, attributes, and skills that will support you in realizing your ambitions. Don’t let fear or self-doubt prevent you from achieving your goals. You will be pleasantly surprised by what you can do if you have faith in your abilities and yourself.

    I know you have a hard-working in college to get a degree and graduate from NYCCT. You have been good, studied a lot of things, and have had success in the major you want. I hope you doing well in your dream jobs. Furthermore, when you graduate from NYCCT, it is hard to find the job you want because you need to experience in your jobs.  I know that you will have some amazing experiences throughout the next years that will make you really happy and joyful. Even though you will suffer some failures and disappointments, you will learn important lessons from them that will aid in your personal development. Always remember to enjoy the good times and take lessons from the challenging ones. I think you will have more success in the future and be happy in your life.

    I hope this message has brought you some solace, motivation, and direction. I’m hoping for the best for you during the coming years and beyond.

    Best regards,

    Duc of the present.

  3. carlagarcia

    Dear Future Self,

    Firstly, congratulations on making it this far in your journey to become a radiologist! I am so proud of you for pursuing your dreams and working hard to achieve them. I hope that you are happy and fulfilled in your career, and that you are able to use your skills and knowledge to help others.

    As your past self, I want to remind you of a few things that I hope will be helpful to you in your present and future. Firstly, remember that it’s okay to make mistakes and to learn from them. Don’t be too hard on yourself when things don’t go as planned, and don’t let setbacks discourage you from pursuing your goals. Keep pushing forward and never give up on yourself.

    Secondly, remember to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Your work as a radiologist can be demanding, but it’s important to prioritize your own health and well-being. Make sure to take breaks when you need them, and to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

    Looking back at our past self, I hope that you can be proud of the progress you’ve made and the person you’ve become. I hope that you will be thankful for the hard work and dedication that you put into your studies and that it pays off in a fulfilling career. I hope that you can look back at this moment with gratitude and appreciation for the journey you’ve been on.

    As for how our past experiences may help you now, I believe that they can serve as a reminder of the passion and drive that you had when you first set out to become a radiologist. Don’t lose sight of that passion, and always remember why you started on this path in the first place.

    I want to thank you again for all that you have done and congratulations on all that you have accomplished and the best wishes for the future. 

    With love and admiration,

    Your past self.

  4. Zakaria billa

    Hi Wassgood man

    This is a letter for you from the past. I want to take a time and say you will be fine InshaAllah I know thing aren’t going the way you want them to be but you are always doing better as time pass, an example of that will be you getting you work done and being in class constantly with a busy life schedule. Just know I’m proud of you and mom and everyone else. Keep up the good work there are better days coming InshaAllah. Love you man. Have a wonderful day and stay strong

  5. Freddy Cen Liang

    Future Self,

    Are you having a good time? Are you doing what you love? I know you’re still tired right now, right? Because I know our goal is a very long-term thing, and sometimes we can take Shiying out more and travel a bit more, oh! I forgot to ask you, how are you guys doing? Are you protecting her well? Did you bring her surprises and romance? We all know that she likes them; you certainly have not forgotten, although I am now doing very poorly. Don’t think about making money all the time, you need to spend more time with her, I know it takes money, but the feelings between the two are too important to forget! If you do not take care of her, you must be very sad. But you yourself should also take good care of yourself, you know. The family is now also old; you should also go home to see more, buy some good food, and go home to a family that will be happy. Do not have too much psychological burden.

    Go for it! Maybe you have been very successful; I do not know yet, but anyway, one day you will be successful.

    Freddy Cen Laing

  6. Sandra

    This is a letter for the past.Now in the present I would say im very open to people and very consistent in my study and work.I’m now open to family and hanging out with friends and now im putting myself first but still thinking about the important people.And im very focus on my own things ,minding my own business and just having positive energy.Unlike the past I would be very distance and just serious.I wouldn’t be involve with family.And my mindset would just be different cause I would just do things before thinking about it first.Going into the future of me graduating I would definitely look back and be like “wow I did that”.I would be thanking myself that I did everything to finish and graduate because its for me and a good future for me.I would like to see myself doing something instead of just struggling and working ,instead I would be studying and doing something in my life and something I like doing.

  7. Heylin D

    From my past self – growing up I’ve learnt a lot of things that being letting go of being afraid to do anything. For example, because I was a very shy girl; I hardly spoke or interacted with people which kind of affected me in the past when I had to speak to people. As of now in present time I’ve learnt to just let loose and believe in myself even when life hits you hard. And I appreciate all the help from friends and family for being patient with me and teaching me aspects of life advice. After quarantine it started to how it was supposed to by going back to school after a year. Right now, in present time I’ve grew to being more open about things when I didn’t before. From my past self – growing up I’ve learnt a lot of things that being letting go of being afraid to do anything. For example, because I was a very shy girl; I hardly spoke or interacted with people which kind of affected me in the past when I had to speak to people. As of now in present time I’ve learnt to just let loose and believe in myself even when life hits you hard. And I appreciate all the help from friends and family for being patient with me and teaching me aspects of life advice. I want to thank myself for being the person that I’m becoming. To my future self – I hope I’m doing better than ever with all the support from my family and friends. I hope you had found your true passion in life. Something I’ve always told myself was to never give up. I hope future you will thank me for the things I’ve accomplished when younger and future wise.

  8. Tanvir Zaman

    Dear future self,

                                 I hope you are doing well in your daily life. And I know you are doing well. I am proud of your success because I know how hard you worked to achieve it. I know the journey is not easy. I remember when you first came to the U.S. and you were so nervous when you went to school because you didn’t understand English and you worried about how you would answer if someone asked you something. I know it wasn’t that easy in the beginning, but you have adapted yourself with time. Remember, in life, nothing comes easy, and I hope that you have persevered through any challenges that have come your way. I hope that you have taken risks, tried new things, and stepped out of your comfort zone to achieve success. I hope that you have continued to build meaningful relationships with those around you. Remember that life is not just about what you achieve, but also about the people you share it with. I hope that you have continued to nurture your relationships with family, friends, and loved ones and that you have made new connections along the way.

    In every aspect of your existence, I wish you happiness and fulfillment. Keep in mind that success involves more than just achieving wealth or status; it also involves finding fulfillment and purpose in your work. I hope that you have found purpose in your work, passion in your hobbies, and joy in the simple moments of everyday life.

    As I conclude this letter, I want you to know that I believe in you and your ability to achieve great things. Keep working hard, stay true to your values, and never forget the importance of gratitude and humility.


    Your Past Self

  9. Tatiana K

    Dear Tatiana, I am writing to you from the past.

    Although it doesn’t seem like it will be soon, I guarantee you that the results will appear. You will be a strong young woman with a serious job, a blog, dear people by your side and a bunny. Sooner or later, you will get everything you wanted…and more.

     Your fears that despite your hard work and effort, you will not achieve anything in life are unfounded. Follow your passions wholeheartedly and you might be one of the lucky few who get paid to do what they love.

     Don’t let the flame of hope go out. Hold it in front of you. It will protect and enlighten you, and ultimately guide you through the deepest darkness. It seems untouchable, but the sun is extremely close, and it is enough to raise your hand to grasp it.

    Believe in yourself, because if you don’t, no one else will. Of course, the mother does not fall into this category. I appreciate her more. She will be your unconditional support. Moreover, the endless bickering due to your different generations will disappear. You will realize together which of you is responsible for the change.

    Good Luck.

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