Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

3/9/23 Free write: Brainstorming about the five “W”s of your research question

Let’s brainstorm about our research questions! During our last class we discussed narrowing down our research topic. At the end of this brainstorm free write, you will provide a more specific, narrowed down research question, by thinking about (and addressing) the “five W”s:

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Who? Describe the specific individual or population you are investigating.

What? Describe the specific element or aspect that directly impacts the who.

When? Is a time frame in which you might limit your investigation.

Where? Is a geographical location where you might focus.

Why? Addresses the reason or reasons that this investigation is important or meaningful.

After you’ve narrowed down your question, try to find a source related to that question. Are there specific academic journals related to your topic? Conduct a quick web search by entering your research question, either on a general search engine or on Google Scholar to locate a reliable research source. Post your free write here, with your research topic/question at the beginning. If you have any questions, let me know.


  1. Duc Giang

    Who? Describe the specific individual or population you are investigating.

    The specific population I investigating is people who is living the United States.

    What? Describe the specific element or aspect that directly impacts the who.

    The specific element or that directly impacts people who is get covid 19 disease especially black people. It help me know that racism is inequality in the United States because black people get more sick or die than white people. Moreover, black people living poor place, poor foods, etc.

    When? Is a time frame in which you might limit your investigation.

    A time frame I might limit my investigation is Covid 19 pandemic.

    Where? Is a geographical location where you might focus.

    A geographical location I might focus is New York City.

    Why? Addresses the reason or reasons that this investigation is important or meaningful.

    The reason that I investigation this topic is important because I want to know how the government solve it, and make equality healthcare for people who is living in NYC.

  2. carlagarcia

    Topic question: How did X-ray diagnosis help people with COVID-19?

    Who? Doctors and healthcare professionals around the world are using X-ray diagnosis to help diagnose and treat people with COVID-19.

    What? X-ray diagnostics is a medical imaging technique that uses X-rays to generate images  inside  the body. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate the body, and the resulting images  help doctors diagnose various conditions. 

    When? X-ray diagnosis has been an important tool in the fight against COVID-19 since 2020 to 2022. 

    Where? X-ray diagnosis is being used in hospitals and clinics around the world to help diagnose and treat people with COVID-19.

    Why? People with COVID-19 benefit from X-ray diagnosis because it can rapidly generate images of the chest that may indicate illness symptoms, such as lung infiltrates. Doctors can use these images to diagnose their patients and choose the appropriate treatment for them. 

  3. Sandra

    1.Who? Im talking about teenagers.

    2.What? When covid happened ,we had online classes which impacted a lot of students at the time.

    3.When?It started 2020 to 2022

    4.Where? The location where I’m focusing on is New York City .

    5.Why? This topic is important to me because covid is a big issue that happened in 2020 ,because of covid we loss our loved ones ,suffered ,and it impacted schools to close down.This topic is important also for the audience ,like everyone in general but mainly teenagers.It will grab teenagers attention because when covid happened schools were shut down and we only had to do zoom classes and the same happened to me and its very stressful that it harms your physically and mentally.

  4. Heylin D

    Question: How did social media negatively affect teens mental health during Covid?

    Who: The population I’m investigating would be Teenagers.

    What: The aspect on this is about the cause of teens mental health when Covid hit, making teens feel very lonely, rise in anxiety, maybe depression etc.

    When: Time frame would be when Covid started around 2020.

    Where: Globally

    Why: This investigation is important because mental health is very common to everyone, it’s something people really go through and struggle. It’s important because mental health is a big thing and it should always come first in a person who’s dealing with a lot whether we may know it or not, it’s good to find people who can understand and help as well when coping with it.

  5. Denisa

    Who? What? When? Where? Why?

    Who? Describe the specific individual or population you are investigating.

    The specific population that I will investigate are children, parents, society, social workers, and the Child Services system in the city.

    What? Describe the specific element or aspect that directly impacts the who.

    Mental health, emotions, social development.

    When? Is a time frame in which you might limit your investigation.

    The time frame is since 2018 to the present

    Where? Is a geographical location where you might focus.

    My focus is in New York City.

    Why? Addresses the reason or reasons that this investigation is important or meaningful.

    The reason why I want to do an investigation is important because children are our future. Also to reduce the risk of maltreatment towards them.

    ‘How has child abuse been conceptualized and adressed in policy and law in New York City during the last 5 years?’


  6. Bryan loko

    Who? Describe the specific individual or population you are investigating.

    disabled, people with illnesses, people in need of medical attention. especially the working class

    What? Describe the specific element or aspect that directly impacts the who.

    a) Financial cuts due or changes in different areas due spread of COVID.

    b) There is a healthcare crisis in the United States, with countless people unable to access life -saving care due to cost.

    When? Is a time frame in which you might limit your investigation.

    Since 2020 to now

    Where? Is a geographical location where you might focus.

    New York state

    Why? Addresses the reason or reasons that this investigation is important or meaningful.

    Because it can economically and socially affectpeople who do not have the necessary resources to get medical care, especially the working class.

    In what positive and negative ways has healthcare for the disabled chaged in New York since 2020?

  7. Freddy Cen Liang

    1.The demographic I want to explore is high school and college students, roughly 16 to 25 years old.

    2.Is my research about graduating from high school and graduating from regular college, and the big difference in income afterwards? Is it really the college graduation that makes more money. Plus, it costs a lot of money to go to college for 4 years. This survey of mine may affect the academic problems of some regular high school students, and when a high school student sees this survey of mine, he may no longer go to choose to go to college.

    3. What I’m investigating is the last 10 years

    4.United States and China

    5. Because I think it makes sense to investigate the most recent ones, and the reason I want to investigate is because I might want to live in these two countries afterwards

  8. maria fernanda montes

    Topic question: How does immigration affect mental health?

    Who? People from all the world that take the decision to move to another country.

    What? Immigrants take the decision to improve their lifes and find a better lifestyle in other countries while living on a side their entire life to could have a better future, they passed through a lot of things before having the satisfaction to have a better tomorrow.

     When? Immigration has been happening for so many years, it has change the race and culture of some countries.

    Where? There’s so many countries where you see immigrants but I would like to talk about the United States.

    Why? Political problems have been change everyone’s lives in a big variety of countries in a bad way, this change the mind of the persons and make them live to find better opportunities.

  9. Shihab Rahama

    Who. Small business owners.

    What. I’m going to be talking about how Covid affected the small business owners.

    When. It started late 2019 until June 2020.

    Where. It was world wide but I will be talking about only New York City.

    Why. This topic is important to me because I used to work in a cell phone store and when covid hits, it affected me and I almost ran out of business. This topic also can be helpful for the people who’s looking to open or invest in the business industry. When Covid hits no one knew how bad and harmful would it be to the City specifically when it comes to a lock down for a long period of time. In this topic I will explain how hard it was for the Cell Phone Stores Owners.

  10. Tanvir Zaman

    Who? The specific population I invest in is global warming.

    What? The specific element or aspects that directly affect rising sea levels. higher ocean temperatures. an increase in heavy precipitation (heavy rain and hail) increase in the proportion of violent tropical cyclones. increase in aridity and drought.

    When? It started in the late 1800s century.

    Where? the geographical I might focus on is New York.

    Why? The reason I choose global warming Because is not just for the forest, and coral reefs, it will affect all of us it will change the climate affects rainfall increase food prices extreme weather.

  11. Tatiana K

    Who? Describe the specific individual or population you are investigating.

    The inevstigation i am going to do is on inflation.

    What? Describe the specific element or aspect that directly impacts the who.

    Inflation is a rise in prices of goods and services in an economy.

    When? Is a time frame in which you might limit your investigation.

    Time period between 2021-2022 the inflation has been very high.

    Where? Is a geographical location where you might focus.

    The geographical location i might focus on it is U.S.

    Why? Addresses the reason or reasons that this investigation is important or meaningful.

    The reason for this investigation is to help people fight against inflation as a lot of people get lost in this period of time.There is a lot of strategies how to manage money and how to invest right during this period.

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