Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

3/2/23 Free write: Reflection on what “good” writing means

In this reflection, think about words or terms that you believe are important in creating “good” writing (think about your own writing and your method of writing…what terms would you associate with this?). Generate a list of 5-10 terms and define them. Next give specific examples of authors and/or pieces that you believe use these terms and do so in a good way. Finally, tell why you believe the list you have created is important to writing, specifically your own writing. Post your free write here (and save it into your class G Drive folder).


  1. Sandra

    What good writing means for me is focus ,development ,and organization.I say this because when writing you need to brainstorm and collect all resources to put it in your essay.One thing I like to do is brainstorm and collect resources.Once I have everything that I need I grab the important parts of each thing I collected and use them in my essay.I also like to jot down on what the professor Is looking for in the reading.

  2. carlagarcia

    The words I believe that is important to create “good writing” are clarity, coherence, conciseness, precision, and voice. These words, in my opinion, are crucial to writing because they enable writers to speak, hold readers’ attention, and convey meaning. My goal is to produce writing that is understandable, cohesive, concise, exact, and voiced correctly also an example of an author who uses conciseness will be Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills Like White Elephants” is a masterclass in concise writing, using spare dialogue and minimal description to communicate a complex situation.

  3. Tanvir Zaman

    • I think good writing is natural in how the writer has arranged the concepts in the text and how it transitions from one to the next. It feels natural essay, and expressive when sentences are written with sentence fluency. Easy to read and entertaining to read, the sentences. and when I write an essay I always care about grammar because grammar is the simplest to aid comprehension as a way to ensure both speech and text.
  4. Duc Giang

    Good writing means focus, development, unity, coherence, and correctness. The importance in creating “good” writing is clear and concise in essays. We must have a connection between sentences that are easy to understand. To improve good writing, we have to avoid grammar mistakes, misspellings, repeating the words, etc. An essay or paper should be organized logically, flow smoothly, and “stick” together. Using your own word is to avoid the possibility of plagiarism. Writing a clear sentence to help people is easy to guess. When we write an essay, we can use literary devices to make writing better and creative writing. An author’s purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition. I believe the list I have created is important because I want to send a message in an essay or want people to know about story of writer.

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