Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Defining Happiness 3/16/23

Free write: Please write your answers as a reply to this post, and also save in your class G Drive folder.

In 2008, Denmark ranked as the happiest nation on the planet, according to the World Map of Happiness and the World Values Survey. These happiness surveys polled people around the globe on — you guessed it — how happy and satisfied they are with life. Folks in Denmark showed an impressively high degree of social connections, career satisfaction and political and economic stability — all of which are known to promote happiness.

But what does it even mean that the Danish consider themselves happier than a lot of other people around the world? What were the surveys measuring, exactly? According to Webster, happiness is “a state of well-being and contentment.” That emotional state the dictionary refers to is arguably different for everyone. At the same time, we know the physical effects of happiness; humans smile and laugh as a natural sign of glee. Certain physiological reactions, such as increased activity in the brain’s left prefrontal lobe and decreased amounts of cortisol (a stress hormone) coursing through the bloodstream, happen when we’re happy.

How do you measure your own happiness, specifically?

What has been the happiest time of your life?

Did the pandemic affect your happiness at all? In what ways, specifically?

Taking all things together, would you say you are very happy, rather happy, not very happy or not at all happy?

  • In most ways, is your life close to your ideal? Explain. 
  • Are the conditions of your life excellent? What specifically, if anything, could change?
  • Are you satisfied with your life?
  • So far, have you gotten the important things you want in life?
  • If you could live your life over again, would you change anything, or almost nothing? Explain.


  1. Denisa

    • Happiness in my opinion cannot be measured but you can count the blessings and many reasons that create happiness in your life.
    • I don’t think that I’ve experienced the happiest moment in my life yet. But if I have to mention one I think is being able to go to college.
    • It does because during that time I just moved to the U.S and everything was brand new with the new life here and being in quarantine made everything seem so hard, especially finding a job.
    • I would say rather happy.
    • I can’t say that I’m close to my ideal life, I have a lot of steps and challenges to pass to achieve the things I want to. So far the conditions of my life are excellent, compared with the life that I had in my motherland.
    • I am very satisfied with my life and yes I’ve gotten the important things that I planned. However I wouldn’t change anything or to live my life over again, everything that happened in the past I consider as a lesson to be where I am now and to work harder for a better future.
  2. Tatiana K

    Yes! I can say I am very close to my ideal in life, I have a family, I have a job and a place to leave, what else can make me more happy. There is always a way to grow but so far I am happy to be where I am now.

    Conditions can always change to the better because we are growing, our desires change and it’s normal to have good conditions and to keep improve it. I consider that I have excellent conditions today, thankful for everything.

    I can consider my self satisfied with my life. There is more things that I am still working on and that I want to achieve, this is a life style, to grow, to develop and always move to the next step in life.The experience I have at the moment I am very satisfied and I wouldn’t change anything if I could live my life over again.

  3. Parmela

    I never really thought about measuring my happiness. I would just deal with my emotions as they come and go. I would say the happiest time in my life would be when I graduated high school. During COVID I wasn’t happy at all simply because as a senior everything was being taken away in terms of the Prom. The graduation ceremony was something that was really important to me. It was the end goal , proof that I accomplished something. Yes The pandemic did affect my happiness in a negative way. Based on the current events I would say I’m in the middle. I do consider myself to be happier than most people despite the trials and tribulations I go through, I’ve always been that person that sees the good in every situation. I’m not really satisfied yet I do believe my life can get better and I still have room to grow and be better. I would say I’m content I wouldn’t want to change anything because then that wouldn’t make me who I am today. If I could live my life over again I would I would want to change certain things to see the different outcomes. 

  4. Duc Giang

    1/ How do you measure your own happiness, specifically?

    The measure of my happiness is positive emotions by keeping track of how often and strongly I feel good during the day. You might keep a journal and record the instances when you experience joy, happiness, or gratitude.

    2/ What has been the happiest time of your life?

    I don’t know yet.

    3/ Did the pandemic affect your happiness at all? In what ways, specifically?

    I think the pandemic didn’t affect happiness at all. In my opinion, the pandemic has significantly affected people’s lives in numerous ways and generated widespread dread, uncertainty, and stress. Social isolation, financial difficulty, and increasing caregiving obligations are common experiences that can negatively impact happiness and mental health.

    4/ For me, I’m rather happy in my life.

    5/ In most ways, is your life close to your ideal? Explain. 

    In most ways, I think my life is not close to my ideal because I don’t know if I can get the degree of my dream or not.

    6/ Are the conditions of your life excellent? What specifically, if anything, could change?

    Yeah, I think the conditions in my life are excellent

    7/ Are you satisfied with your life?

    Yes, I’m satisfied with my life.

    8/ So far, have you gotten the important things you want in life?

    No, I haven’t gotten the important things I want in my life.

    9/ If you could live your life over again, would you change anything, or almost nothing? Explain.

    If I could live my life over again, I would change to live with my parents because when I came to New York. I didn’t live with my parents and I had to take care of myself.

  5. Darianny Morales

    • I measure my own happiness with the happiness of my family, If they are happy I am happy. Because if I always focus my happiness in the outside I will never be happy because my happiness depend on me not in other people action

    • I have so many happiest time but one of them was when I was with one of my best friend, she is one of the funniest. So one day we was on my house “filming a movie” and then when we finished of recording ourself, we started to seeing the video and in one of the part of the video my best friend make a funny face and I started laughing so hard that I pee myself. Kinda of embarrassing. 

    • I think the pandemic was a rollercoaster of emotion for me because at first I did not know how uses zoom and that stressing me out and at the same time was kinda cool because I shared time with my mother.  

    •To be honest i am very happy, I am more happy than ever because I starting to know myself and to sometimes put myself first. 

    •Not I no closes of my ideal life but I least I working on it. And that’s make me keep my hope high. 

    • I have good condition because I have a roof in where I can live and asleep, and also I have food but if I have to change something It’ll be more close to my father because now he is in Dominican Republic and I see him every summer but It was for me I see him every day. 

    •I not satisfied with my life because I am to far of my father but I can not complain.

    •Yes, I have my mother and I studying the career I want. 

    • That is a good question and if I have the opportunity to change my answer will be a not because every little thing that has happened to me made me grow as a person. 

  6. Freddy Cen Liang

    In most ways, is your life close to your ideal? Explain.

    No, I don’t think so. My ideal life would probably be more free. Have a house and a car and travel everywhere.

    Are the conditions of your life excellent? What specifically, if anything, could change?

    I feel that my living conditions are superior, I have food in my life now and I have a place to live. My parents also give me a fixed amount of living expenses. 

    Are you satisfied with your life?

    I’m still very happy with my life and I live it to the fullest every day. When I have time I go to work, work out, take classes, cook, etc. I don’t think I’m wasting my time. I’m still very happy with my life, but sometimes I’m a little tired.

    So far, have you gotten the important things you want in life?

    Yes,I got what I wanted because all I wanted was the health of my family.

    If you could live your life over again, would you change anything, or almost nothing? Explain

    I may choose not to change because I don’t know yet what my life will be like after that. I’m still working on it

  7. maria fernanda montes

    In my opinion happiness is a feeling, you choose to be happy. If you do the right things you’ll have everything to feel happy, my life is a rollercoaster, I do have everything to be happy but sometimes unfortunately I don’t choose happiness all the time.

    As I said I have everything to be happy, health, family, friends and the satisfaction of working on myself to achieve my goals.

    As humans we always ask for more, but actually when you appreciate what you want is when you actually feel happy.

    I’m too young to say that I achieve what I want in my life but I could say that if you ask me 5 years ago how I am right now I’ll be so proud of me.

    All the things that I’ve been through make the person that I am right now, I wouldn’t change anything.

  8. maria fernanda montes

    In my opinion happiness is a feeling, you choose to be happy. If you do the right things you’ll have everything to feel happy, my life is a rollercoaster, I do have everything to be happy but sometimes unfortunately I don’t choose happiness all the time.

    As I said I have everything to be happy, health, family, friends and the satisfaction of working on myself to achieve my goals.

    As humans we always ask for more, but actually when you appreciate what you want is when you actually feel happy.

    I’m too young to say that I achieve what I want in my life but I could say that if you ask me 5 years ago how I am right now I’ll be so proud of me.

    All the things that I’ve been through make the person that I am right now, I wouldn’t change anything.

  9. Sandra

    How I identify my happiness is distracting myself and focus on the important stuff and just surrounding myself with positive energy.

    The happiest time in my life would be being with family because their always giving positive energy and supporting.

    The pandemic did affect my happiness physically and mentally.The pandemic affected me in those ways because it was very draining staying home and not going out nor going to school.

    I would say I was happy but most of the time it wasn’t happiness.

  10. carlagarcia

    How do you measure your own happiness, specifically?

    By balancing positive and negative affect experiences. 

    What has been the happiest time of your life?

    My happiest time of my life until now is when I gather with my family. 

    Did the pandemic affect your happiness at all? In what ways, specifically?

    It kind of affected my happiness such as social isolation and some financial struggles. 

    Taking all things together, would you say you are very happy, rather happy, not very happy or not at all happy?

    I will say I am very happy because I appreciate having my family around me and how loving they are. Being healthy physically and mentally. 

    •In most ways, is your life close to your ideal? Explain.

    It is almost close to my ideal but there is some stuff that I would like to achieve like graduating and having a degree in what I really love doing. 

    • Are the conditions of your life excellent? What specifically, if anything, could change?

    The condition of my life are excellent it could be better but there still some goals in progress. 

    • Are you satisfied with your life? 

    Yes, I am very satisfied with my life because I have almost what I want and the things that I still require or need hopefully I would be able to achieve it. 

    • So far, have you gotten the important things you want in life?

    So far I have achieved some of the things that I wanted. 

    • If you could live your life over again, would you change anything, or almost nothing? Explain.

    I wouldn’t change anything about my life I think I had and have achieved so many things in my life that I will never regret also have learned to correct my errors. 

  11. Tanvir Zaman

    How do you measure your own happiness, specifically?

    • I cannot measure my happiness because Happiness is not a constant state and can fluctuate depending on various factors such as our environment, relationships, and life events.

    What has been the happiest time of your life?

    • My happiest time when I was first in the drawing competition.

    Did the pandemic affect your happiness at all? In what ways, specifically?

    • The pandemic does not affect my happiness but the pandemic has had a significant impact on many lives in various ways, and it’s possible that some of these effects may be subtle or difficult to recognize.

    Taking all things together, would you say you are very happy, rather happy, not very happy or not at all happy?

    • Taking all things together I would like to say I am rather  happy. because sometimes I face some difficulty that gives  me stress, and at that moment I Can’t be happy.  

    In most ways, is your life close to your ideal? Explain.

    • Not really because I need to work more.

    Are the conditions of your life excellent? What specifically, if anything, could change?

    • Yes, the condition of my life is excellent but I need some practice in my English grammar.

    Are you satisfied with your life?

    • Yes I’m satisfied with my life.

    So far, have you gotten the important things you want in life? 

    • I Got some but not all yet I have to work more on it.

    If you could live your life over again, would you change anything, or almost nothing? Explain.

    • Yes, Because In past I made some mistakes which I shouldn’t have done.
  12. Heylin D

    • I wouldn’t say I am happy but I’m not that happy; that I broke the scale because I have my ups and downs.
    • I don’t see my life as my ideal now because I’m still figuring out my college experience.
    • I don’t think the conditions in my life is that excellent, there still goal I want to achieve.
    • I am somewhat satisfied with my life because I’m studying what I like and what I want to do.
    • So far I have achieved stuff back then that I got.
    • Maybe yes because I could have changed the mistakes that I’ve done.

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