Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Happiness: Homework for 3/16/23

We will be thinking and talking about this more today and in our next class. Please write at least two detailed paragraphs (not just one-sentence answers) and post here as a response (and save in your class G Drive folder) that explore the following questions:

  • If you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?
  • What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion?
  • Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether you your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples.
  • What is the relationship between money and happiness?
  • Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?
  • Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail.


  1. Tatiana K

    • If you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?
    • Happiness is an emotional physical, and mental state of well-being.
    • What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion?
    • Know my priorities, learn to let go, control my options by taking right decisions, be grateful, give to others and invest in me.
    • Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether you your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples.
    • How money can make me happy: money can pay for my education in order to achieve my goals, money give me the ability to help my family and loved ones, money can increase my happiness by helping me pay off financial needs.
    • What is the relationship between money and happiness?
    • Having more money buys satisfaction with life, but not happiness.
    • Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?
    • Having enough money to buy basic necessities, pay rent and other means of survival.
    • Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail.
    • I have a very big opinion on this, since I always choose my surroundings depending on their energy. So YES the happiness of others is connected to our happiness. When you hang out with happy people, you tend to feel happier. Every person has the right to choose their environment. The question that plays big role here is does a person want to be happy? I stay away from people who like to complain and suffer for no reason.
  2. Tatiana K



    Happiness is an emotional physical, and mental state of well-being. Being happy to me means to know my priorities, learn to let go, control my options by taking right decisions, be grateful, give to others and invest in me.


    How money can make me happy?  Money can pay for my education in order to achieve my goals, money give me the ability to help my family and loved ones, money can increase my happiness by helping me pay off financial needs.


    Having more money buys satisfaction with life, but not happiness.

    Having enough money to buy basic necessities, pay rent and other means of survival protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness.


    And YES The happiness of others is connected to our happiness. I have a big opinion on this, since I always choose my surroundings depending on their energy. When you hang out with happy people, you tend to feel happier. Every person has the right to choose their environment. The question that plays big role here is does a person want to be happy? I usually stay away from people who like to complain and suffer for no reason.

  3. carlagarcia

    1. Each person’s feeling of happiness is unique and subjective. In my opinion it can be characterized as a happy emotional state characterized by emotions of satisfaction, joy, and happiness. 
    2. Having a sense of purpose, developing strong relationships with others, engaging in activities that make you happy and satisfied, and taking care of your physical and mental health are, in my opinion, the most crucial aspects of leading a happy life.
    3. It’s a complicated and controversial question whether money can buy happiness. According to Michael Norton’s research, money can definitely make you happy, but only so far. More money does not significantly increase happiness over a certain point. According to the circumstances of a person and the cultural environment, this could change. 
    4. There are many different aspects and a complex relationship between wealth and happiness. However, money is not the only factor in determining happiness. Yet, it does not determine happiness in loneliness. The level of happiness that an individual experiences as a whole is also significantly influenced by other variables, including social support, health, and personal fulfillment.
    5. Money can protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness, such as financial insecurity and material deprivation. Having financial stability and access to resources can help alleviate stress and anxiety related to financial concerns.
    6. The happiness of others affects our own happiness because social connections and relationships play a crucial role in our overall wellbeing. Being nice and generous can enhance both ones personal happiness and the happiness of others. Positive social connections can also provide one a sense of community and support, which can increase happiness.
  4. Bryan loko

    1- If you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?

    I would define happiness as something that drives you to keep going and gives you reasons to do things depending on how you seek happiness.

    2- What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion?

    I would say that having reasons to be happy, either because of your friends and family or because you want to create good memories that help you in difficult moments that you are experiencing in some part of your life.

    3-Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether you your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples.

    I think it can, but depending on how you got the money and how you spend it, either doing good deeds or having worked hard and having fun along the way.

    4-What is the relationship between money and happiness?

     The relationship between money and happiness varies from many things to a certain level of satiation where other factors of happiness such as work, family, community, social affiliation, personal values and freedom.

    5-Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?

    I would say yes, like the fact that a loved one of yours needs something necessary that they really need and you can give it to them because you have the money. Also morally, keep unconcerned about many things that affect you emotionally, such as not being economically balanced.

    6-Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail.

    it is definitely connected and especially if you are with people who mean a lot to you. It could also affect us since that person is not doing well at all and makes the relationship very unstable.

  5. Tanvir Zaman

    If you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?

    • Happiness is closely tied to relationships with others such as feeling loved, supported, and connected to friends and family. And happiness often involves experiencing positive emotions such as joy, excitement, and gratitude.

    What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion?

    • In my opinion, The most important feature of living a happy life is having financial stability and security. It can provide a sense of peace of mind and reduce stress, which can contribute to overall happiness.

    Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples.

    • In my opinion Yes, money can buy happiness. Money can help individuals meet their basic needs, such as food, clothes, house, cars, and healthcare. When people have access to these necessities, they are more likely to experience a sense of security and well-being, which can contribute to happiness.

    What is the relationship between money and happiness?

    • The relationship between money and happiness is having enough money for basic needs and enjoying some comforts can contribute to happiness.

    Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?

    • Yes, money can protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness. For example, money can provide access to education and career opportunities, which can lead to personal growth, job security, and financial stability.

    Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail.

    • Yes, when we have close relationships with others who are happy and supportive, it can boost our own happiness and well-being. Social support can provide us with a sense of belonging, validation, and comfort, which can help us cope with life’s challenges and stresses.
  6. Sandra

    • If you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?

    I would define happiness is you or your surroundings make you feel good inside and outside.

    • What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion?

    Having a best life don’t gotta worry about things that are affecting you physically and mentally.

    • Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether you your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples.

    No because money comes and goes.I say no because once you make your money you see it but then you got to waste it because of financial reasons.

    • What is the relationship between money and happiness?

    The relationship between money and happiness is they both go and come back because you can have everything but at the end you wasted it and won’t get nothing in returned.

    • Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?

    Yes money can protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness because there’s people out struggling and it will help anybody to be finically stabled.

    • Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail.

    Yes and no because you can be on your own happy and be alone happy.It depends on your mindset. Especially being happy it just has to be positive energy either alone or with people.

  7. Darianny Morales

    • If f you had to define happiness, what would that definition be?If I had to define happiness, it would be having a roof, food, health and being with the people I love. That would be my definition of happiness.
    • What are the most important features of living a happy life, in your opinion? I think that the most important characteristics of living a happy life would be to know what I want to do with my life, to know my passion for life, for example, to know what I want to do with my time and not waste it on something that is not worth it. Also another important characteristic is to let things flow and let go of whoever has to go.
    • Does money buy happiness? (Michael Norton’s “Money Can Buy Happiness”) Whether you your answer is “yes” or “no,” explain why and think of at least two or three examples. I’m not sure since money can buy many things like handbags, trips, clothes and maybe at first if it gives you happiness but then there comes a certain point where you say that I’m “doing with the money” and “why not I’m being happy.”
    • What is the relationship between money and happiness? The relationship between happiness and money it is that neither happiness is everything nor is money, since happiness does not pay your rent and money does not pay you good health.
    • Can money protect us from certain kinds of unhappiness? What kinds?  Money is only used to buy objects, but it is not used to buy good health since not even with all the money in the world can you buy health.
    • Is the happiness of others connected to our happiness? If so, how? If not, why not? Explain in detail. On one hand, some comments from people may affect you and also, without any intention of hurting someone, you can hurt someone’s feelings. That is why everyone is responsible for her own happiness and is responsible for how the comments of other people affect her, who are neither more nor less than you.
  8. Darianny Morales

    • If I had to define happiness, it would be having a roof, food, health and being with the people I love. That would be my definition of happiness.
    • I think that the most important characteristics of living a happy life would be to know what I want to do with my life, to know my passion for life, for example, to know what I want to do with my time and not waste it on something that is not worth it. Also another important characteristic is to let things flow and let go of whoever has to go.
    •  I’m not sure since money can buy many things like handbags, trips, clothes and maybe at first if it gives you happiness but then there comes a certain point where you say that I’m “doing with the money” and “why not I’m being happy.”
    • The relationship between happiness and money it is that neither happiness is everything nor is money, since happiness does not pay your rent and money does not pay you good health.
    • Money is only used to buy objects, but it is not used to buy good health since not even with all the money in the world can you buy health.
    • On one hand, some comments from people may affect you and also, without any intention of hurting someone, you can hurt someone’s feelings. That is why everyone is responsible for her own happiness and is responsible for how the comments of other people affect her, who are neither more nor less than you.

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