Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

Free write 3/7/23

Reflect on the writing that you have done so far (the education narrative drafts, posts on the class OpenLab site and Perusall, all of the free writes, writing about genre, rhetorical situations/choices, etc.) Now think about your proposed research project. Specifically answer each question and post them on the class OpenLab site:

o What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

o Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

o In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

o What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

o What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

o What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)


  1. Duc Giang

    What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    The investment I have in the research issue I chosen is “The racism in the United States with black people.”

    o Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

    It is argument matter to me because I saw the society in the United States is not equality, people who is black people discrimination and  they suffer spiritually by white people.

    o In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    I will narrowed my topic including Black Lives Matter, Trayvon Martin, history of slavery of the black people, health care.

    o What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    The narrowed research question is inequality, social justice, causes.

    o What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    The struggling with most as I approaching this project is it have a lot of article about racism.

    o What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    The kind of sources I think I will use my project are Youtube, Newspaper, academic journal.

  2. Sandra

    1.I have chosen covid as my research issue.

    2.Its about the pandemic and how it effected high schoolers.

    3.1.Pandemic 2.high school 3.2020 4.remotely

    4.How did the pandemic effectively harm high school students remotely?(2020)

    5.Im trying to change my question to make it more clear.

    6.Resources I will use for my project is online, articles ,news and YouT.ube.

  3. Carla Garcia

    1. The use of chest x-ray diagnosis in the management of COVID-19 is an essential subject for research, and I think my topic on it is quite interesting because it plays a significant role as it helped doctors diagnose and treat patients with COVID-19 more effectively.

    1. I believe my argument matters because x-ray imaging has played a significant role in the diagnosis of COVID-19, particularly in detecting lung involvement in COVID-19 patients.
    2. I chose to narrow my research topic by trying to identify important issues related to my topic, particularly ones that I have a point of view on.
    3. My narrowed research question is “How did X-ray diagnosis help people with COVID-19?”
    4. As I start this research, I’m having a bit of trouble obtaining reliable sources.
    5. I probably will use goggle schooler, City tech library website, Safari and other. 
  4. Bryan loko

    1. What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    To be honest I don,t think i’ve ever made a personal investment but i did do certain

    actions like trying to find a way two opposing sidesto come to an adreement and without inequality.

    2. Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

    My arguments aare important because they are facts, which supports my points of view and how important my topic is, more specifically what i want to demostrate and the message i want to give to mky audience to my audience.

    3. In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    By desmostrating the place, time, and a population of people.

     4.What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    In what positive and negative ways has human rights changed in New York since 2020?

    5. What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    So far I think is the type of human right that i would like to be more focus on.

    6 what kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    I think ill use the city tech library, social media, youtube and may be articules.

  5. Heylin D

    1. The investment I’ve choose is to make people understand better about why teens struggle with their mental health.
    2. My argument matters to others because we could also learn together to find ways how to cope or overcome that.
    3. Social Media affects teens in different ways that being what can be displayed on the internet (negatively) can bring someone down.
    4. My question is: How does social media negatively impact teens mental health?
    5. Maybe I might struggle with my approach with the sources.
    6. I think for the most part I’ll be using online sources and maybe I can use YouTube or Tedtalk.
  6. Tanvir Zaman

    o What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    • I chose global warming as my research issue.

    o Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

    • Because global warming is not just for the forest, and coral reefs it will affect all of us it will change the climate affecting rainfall increasing food prices, and extreme weather.

    o In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    • The difference between a greenhouse and global warming.

    o What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    • What is the main problem of global warming?

    o What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    • I struggling with my research because A lot has been written about global warming so it’s hard to find out the right research.

    o What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    • I will use social media Youtube and the city tech library.
    • Joshua Belknap

      Your topic, global warming, or even the “difference between greenhouse and global warming” (I assume you mean greenhouse gases), is WAY too broad and general. We worked hard in class on Tuesday narrowing down our research topics, and you should start thinking about how you can find a more specific and focused research topic before you start looking for sources about it.
      We can discuss in class on Thursday, okay?

  7. Denisa

    o What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen? 

    I’ve chosen to write about ‘How has child abuse been conceptualized and adressed in policy and law in New York City during the last 5 years?’

    o Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

    It matters because children are the value of our future and they are innocent in our society.

    o In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    In history and causes, examine behavior, children rights.

    o What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    What safety services are provided from New York City for the victims of child abuse?

    o What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    The research data and verified resources.

    o What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    Youtube, magazine articles, newspaper, online, journals.

  8. Tatiana K

    o What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen? 

    My perosnal investment was story of my life that i decided it should be told.

    o Why does your argument matter to you? To others?

    It matters to me because I went through that difficult moment when I could not speak out and for the others i hope this argument will help them open un more.

    o In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    Didn’t provide enough evidence or statistics of people facing the same probems.

    o What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    How did the emigrants manage their move to a new country without knowing the language?

    o What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    Time for more researches ,express my thoughts correctly ,ability to convey my idea.

    o What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project academic jurnal(online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    academic journals, online articles,Youtube,blog,encyclopedia,books.

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