Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2023

3/9/23 Schools are Killing Curiosity

Please read and write a short (1-2 paragraph) response to the ideas presented in the Guardian article linked here: … Write your response in the comment section below. Also, reply to at least two (2) of your class mate’s posted comments. Let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Tatiana K

    Curiosity may be the most important skill for a child to learn.We simply can’t keep a child from grabbing, touching, hitting, gnawing, and drooling on everything they can reach. This is because from the very beginning children are trying to understand the world around them. Developing curiosity helps a child to be willing and able to continually grow, learn and question what is around them. If we don’t give children time to explore when they are tiny, they won’t be able to remember how to be curious when they grow.

    Children should be given the opportunity to ask all the questions that interest them at least at the beginning of their educational process. Every child is born and grows as an individual ,to help the child develop we must take into account their interests .It is necessary to answer their questions and help them grow in the direction hey are interested in. And not to try to change them under the school curriculum.

  2. Carla Garcia

    The Guardian’s article “Schools are killing curiosity “why we need to stop telling kids to shut up and learn” brings up a crucial point on how the educational system affects kids fundamental curiosity. According to the article, schools frequently favor rote learning over exploration and questioning, which holds back kids fundamental curiosity and creativity. The author advocates a change to more child learning environments that encourage curiosity, critical thinking, and a love of learning. 

    The article’s message, in my opinion, is crucial since curiosity and discovery are crucial elements of education and personal development. Children’s fundamental curiosity can be developed into a passion of learning and a lifetime search for understanding by encouraging it. It is crucial for educators to appreciate and develop children’s natural curiosity by giving them the chance to ask questions, investigate novel concepts, and learn about their surroundings.

  3. Duc Giang

    The most crucial ability a child needs to develop is curiosity. Simply put, there is nothing we can do to stop a kid from grasping, touching, hitting, gnawing, and drooling on anything they can. This is due to the fact that young children constantly seek to understand their surroundings. Children who are curious about the world around them are better prepared and more able to learn, develop, and ask questions about it. Children won’t be able to recall what it’s like to be curious as adults if we don’t offer them the opportunity to explore when they’re young. Thinking about it can help children’s natural curiosity grow into a passion for learning and comprehension that lasts a lifetime. It is crucial for educators to value and foster children’s innate interest by allowing them the freedom to ask questions.

  4. Tanvir Zaman

    In this article “Schools are Killing Curiosity”, Wendy Berliner argues that traditional schooling methods often stifle children’s natural curiosity and love of learning. She suggests that the focus on standardized testing and memorization of information, rather than exploration and discovery, can lead to a disinterest in learning and a lack of critical thinking skills.

    Berliner highlights the importance of fostering curiosity in children, as it is a driving force behind innovation and progress. She advocates for a shift towards more child-led learning, where students are encouraged to ask questions and pursue their own interests. By nurturing curiosity and creativity, Berliner believes that we can help children become more engaged and enthusiastic learners, better prepared to tackle the challenges of the future.

  5. Bryan

    In the article we can observe how the student and educational system kills and prevents children’s curiosity from continuing to grow as they have more questions. We can also observe that children’s curiosity must be fed because otherwise, over time, children will lose that curiosity and that thirst to learn things they don’t know.

    In my opinion, I think that the article shows many important points, such as that the work and the objectives that the teachers have diverts attention from the curiosity of the students. But I also think that teachers should build a kind of environment where students can focus on learning and at the same time show their curiosity, so that in the future they can be curious about the topics that they have to focus on.

  6. Sandra

    The Guardian’s article “Schools are killing curiosity “why we need to stop telling kids to shut up and learn” it brings up how the educational system affects kids’ fundamental curiosity. According to the article it talks about schools and kids.The author states a change to more child learning environments that school are killing curiosity.

    The author message in my opinion, is crucial since curiosity and discovery are crucial elements of education and personal development. Children’s fundamental curiosity can be developed. It is crucial for educators to appreciate and develop children’s natural curiosity by giving them the chance to ask questions.Also states the needs for kids so they will help everyone fair and the more learning they will want more for the environment.

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