Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

2/14/24: Edward Jones, “First Day”

  1. What do you remember about your first day of school?  What feelings or images come to mind when you picture it?
  2.  What is your earliest memory of your mother or father?  What feelings come to mind when you recall this memory?  How does the memory compare with the way you relate to your mother or father now?


  1. Kevin

    1. What I remember about my first day of school is that I was scared since it was the first time I was getting out of my comfort zone in my life but it was actually really fun the teachers treated me nicely and all my classmates were friendly there was no discrimination or exclusion because someone was different that someone everyone treated me very nicely and when I got home I told my parents all about my fun day of school.
    2. My earliest memory I get is from my mother and this was before I went to school I went to the shop where my mom worked before she had my little brother and I remember that I saw the hair of one of the employees and I wanted the same hairstyle so my mom gave him permission to take me to a store and get gel so that he could make my hair like his we walked to a store and bought the gel and came back to the store and he styled my hair as best as he could like his but it didn’t turn out as well. This memory compared to how I interact with my parents now I feel very robotic but when I was a kid I was less shy or more open to share with my parents.
  2. Giselle

    1. What I remember on my first day of school is that I was nervous and excited to go to school and make new friends, also I kept getting lost in the school whenever I try to find my class. The image that comes to my mind is the school building, the vending machine and the school yard.
    2. My earliest memory of my mother is that she took me to middle school on my first day of school and she would cheer me on when I’m nervous for my first day of school. The feelings that come to my mind when I’m recalling this memory is happiness and laughter. The memory compare with the way I relate to my mother now is because she’s always supportive, funny, and smart whenever I’m feeling down, or I’m having trouble with my homework.
  3. Valentina Martinez

    My first day of school was pretty exciting for me, mi mom needed go to work but my nanny was there to take me to the school. My parents told me one time that they were worried for how I could feel that day, is a scare day for mostly kids but it wasn’t like that for me. My nanny toke me to the school also worried for how I could react when she tried to leave me there but for her surprise, I not even say bye to her, and I ran directly into my class. There were other kids crying and other pretty happy; After a while everyone was playing around. I remember that I did a lot of friends that day, even friends that I keep in contact with currently. 

    By other hand, my earliest memory of my parents is to them arriving home one night after their work and me making a “surprise” to them with a fake cake and yelling “surpriseeeee!”. I received them in that way for a week, I don’t still what I was trying to do but I know that we (my parents and I) were happy to see us after a long day. We always laugh when we  think about it, our relation with each other keep pretty good and lovely.

  4. Caleb

    1. My first day of school was a very fun and nervous day for me because it was a new beginning in my life to be able to meet new people and learn. When i first got to class the teacher made us introduce ourselves to the class and that was kinda fun, some people had funny stories to make when each and everyone was saying where they came from and their background. I really liked how I was feeling knowing i will be able to further my education so i can also be a productive person in future.
    2. My parents have always been outside the country so the feeling i got when i first met them had my stomach with butterflies, I jumped to hug her and give her loads of kisses because it has been a long time since i saw when she left me. I remembered when she first fed me my favorite cereal which is custard and cerelac. She always wanted the best for me and kept advising me not to joke with my education, due to that my relationship with my mom is one of a kind.

  5. marias

    1. My first day of school was hard for me, I felt nervous because I didn’t know what would happen that day. I just wanted to stay with my parents at home. It’s like exploring new things. It’s always difficult at first.

    2. My earliest memory of my mother is my mom taking care of my sister and I. The feeling that comes to my mind when I recall this memory is full of love. The relationship I have with my mother now is pretty good, we are best friends and she still cares of me.

  6. Kai

    1. I only remember I was definitely nervous about being alone in the school, and very lost in the class and can’t focus at most of the time .
    2. The earliest memory of my father are the pictures, because when I started memorizing things he was working in another state. So, I don’t have much memories of him in that time period. Now, our relationship a bit different than others. I think we are more like friends.
  7. Farhan

    1.I remember I was too lonely that day. I didn’t have any friend also I didn’t know English at that time. Sometimes I didn’t understand what people were saying in the class. I felt too lonely at that moment. lonely and uncomfortable.

    2.The earliest memory of my father is he bought me a bike when I was 3rd grade. I was so happy at that moment. That was the best gift of my life. I felt so lucky to have a father like him.

  8. achraf belli

    1-September 2006 was the beginning of a new step in my life , I was 6yo and officially I’m eligible to go to school, I still remember that I was excited and scared in the same time it’s like a weird feeling, excited because I’ll become a student not a kid anymore I feel like a grow upa little bit , scared because I don’t what to do at school ? how is the teacher ? How are my school mates? .. A lot a questions on my mind.

    I remember that night I didn’t sleep thinking to answer all this questions, in the morning I wear a brand new clothes and a new bag , I went to school with my dad , he dropped me there and he left me, I was more scared due to my first time doing something alone I didn’t know nobody there , I set in the classroom waiting for our teacher by the time the feelings changed and I started being comfortable , it’s was really an interesting day in my life.

    2- One of craziest things I ever did was I went to school one day with my friends but before we get there one of our friends proposed to skip the class today, so we did and we went to a park where we spent the whole day, the school call my mom and she was really scared about me so when I come home I saw her face and everybody was looking for us , I regretted what I did and I knew how she always scared about me and care a lot about me .

  9. Shahzoda

    1) I remember feeling a mix of emotions on my first day of school. I was excited about the opportunity to learn new things and meet new people, but at the same time, I was nervous about how it would all go. Also, I was deeply attached to being at home with my family. I remember crying from the time my mom left till the time to go home.

    2) The first thing I can remember is that I have given her enough grey hair due to my super annoying ideas, especially about food. Yes, I hated eating anything, and I was super picky about eating. So she asked me if I was sure and could manage with it! I agreed and fasted till sunset with no food (only water). After that, I felt hungry and ate whatever mom gave me. Mom smiled as she still reminded everyone about me

  10. Melanie

    1. When I moved to the USA I went to a new school with new professors and classmates. I was nervous and worried about what would happen on my first day of school since I didn’t speak English and I’m an antisocial girl. First day was different from my thoughts because the professor helped me to understand what they were trying to teach me and I made friends from hispanic countries. Actually I felt nostalgia for memories that I made in my High School. I imagine school like my second place where I feel safe because there I met people so cool and they are like my second family.
    2. The earliest memories that I have of my mother and father are when my mother dressed me for an event in my town and when my father arrived in Ecuador because he left the country when I was a little girl for money and the best future for me and for them. I felt nostalgia for remembering things from the past. Actually my parents are still the same but with different ages.
  11. kenny

    A. I remember my first day of school, I was very nervous when I went to school for the first time, it felt like you are not comfortable before you come, and I would keep imagining a lot of things in my mind. For example: I don’t speak English, how to talk to them, and what should I do,etc.

    B. My earliest of memory of my mothers, and when first day of school I went there I feel nervous, that feeling when you first time in unknown places is feel worry, after few time in school you not feel nervous. My mother know my feeling, she cheer me and encourage me don’t nervous and having fun in school. Compare now my dad and mom just tell me to study hard, don’t put pressure on myself to study, and do things slowly. They still same cheer at me.

  12. Brian Chong

    1. I remember the first day of my elementary school that I was crying all day. It’s not because I’m scared about my teacher or classmate, it’s because I miss my mom & dad… At that time my mom and dad were busy with their starting business, so at that time I was raised by my aunty and she was mean as hell :). The image I came up with in my elementary school is “Church” , the place that lets me feel safe and peaceful… & my aunty’s house is a labor camp :). 
    2. The earliest memory of my dad and mom is… not really having an idea about this… I would say my mom is quite strict with me and my dad is kind of doting on me.
  13. Ahmed

    First Day of School:

    My first day of school felt both exciting and a little scary. I remember a big new building and meeting lots of new people. It was like being curious and a bit nervous at the same time.

    Earliest Memory of Mother or Father:

    My first memory of my mom is her giving me a big hug, making me feel safe and warm. Even now, I still find comfort in being around her, but we talk about more grown-up stuff.

    Earliest Memory of Father:

    I remember my dad saying really encouraging things when I was having a tough time. It made me feel motivated and supported. That still happens today – he keeps guiding me in a positive way.

  14. Junior Chamblain

    1.I remembered when I was leaving Kindergarten to enter the 1st grade, I was crying on the road in 2010 because I was leaving my old school to enter a new school. I was not happy because even the friends I had not having them anymore is the worst feeling that I could have.

     Haitian schools, from the time you leave Kindergarten to the 1st grade, they start whipping you if you don’t do your homework, if you don’t know your lesson, when they do recitations, because in Haiti they teach us to remember a whole chapter and then to recite it. in front of the teacher, but in 1st grade it was not like that, it was the book they put in front of you, and you read the chapter for the teacher.

    I remember I had a teacher and I hated her so bad because the teacher doesn’t play with children since it’s lessons and homework, she doesn’t play with them, and she whips hard.

    Earliest Memory of My Mother

    The memory I have is with my mother, I was about 10-12 if my memory serves me correctly. I always stayed In the kitchen with my mother to learn how to cook and she teach me and now I cook almost every day cause my is a hard working I need to make sure to make him feel good and cook for him

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