Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

4/3/24: Reflection on work so far

  • How would you compare/contrast work you did early in the semester to now?
  • What was your favorite/least favorite assignment and why?
  • What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?
  • What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?
  • How did you make decisions in your assignments about content and design?
  • What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? Explain.
  • What was your experience revising assignments?
  • What, if anything, was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?


  1. Tariq M. Elfgeeh

    1- At the beginning of the semester, things were complicated, but now do the work easier.

    2- happiness is my favorite and easiest assignment I have learned this semester.

    3- I need to learn more about the last two assignments.

    4- The way of reading and thinking has changed because of the way it explains and delivers lessons differently.

    6- I think that together, the passage of time thinking differently may develop from my personality.

  2. achraf belli

    1- I think I鈥檓 doing pretty good work from the beginning of this semester until now , trying to make my assignments done on time and trying to participate at the class .

    2- One of my favorite assignments is rhetorical /genre analysis because it鈥檚 was easy and helps us analyzing and understanding the text also applying the author strategies of writing in our writing.

    3-Some notable lessons that have stuck with me after completing certain assignments are the assignment of ethos, pathos and logos it help us to choose the right agreements in our writing .

    4-I think what changed in my writing is the strategy to how to write and choosing the right agreements to convince the reader, also trying to use some new vocabulary words in my writing.

    5-I think I was pretty sure that I was good in my writing but that鈥檚 not enough for academics writing that鈥檚 why I believe this class changed my performance in my writing .

    6-I don鈥檛 have any feedback about revising assignments but I think it will be a good idea.

    7-What challenging me in our course this semester is time to make my assignments done ,I鈥檓 working 70 hours a week and having other classes too so it鈥檚 a little hard to get things done but I鈥檓 always trying to organize my schedule and having time for my assignments

  3. Caleb

    1.How would you compare/contrast work you did early in the semester to now?ay

    I will say that comparing the work I did early this semester to now has been able to help me understand how to use Ethos, Pathos and Logos in my writing and also how to write and reflective annotated bibliography.

    2.What was your favorite/least favorite assignment and why

    My favorite assignment is schools are killing curiosity and the reason why I like this assignment is that it helps me understand that children and students always have questions in mind that they want to ask but they do not get the question to ask.

    3.What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?

    I will say some notable lessons that have stuck with me is how to conduct a research on how write an reflective annotated bibliography and also how to punctuate my essay including how to cite.

    4.What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?

    The way to conduct research became more broad because i have to learn new ways of citing from a correct source and also how to include pathos logos and ethos in my writing.

    5.How did you make decisions in your assignments about content and design?

    I made decision about content and design by choosing the right topic and also citing from the right sources.

    6.What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? Explain.

    My early beliefs about myself in writing is that I did not know how to use pathos, logos and ethos but they have changed in a way that helps me be able to learn how to do citations and also how to conduct a research and brainstorm on topics.

    7.What was your experience revising assignments?

    In my experience revising my assignments helped me be able to proofread my works and be able to make the necessary changes and also be able to learn and prepare for exams or test.

    8.What, if anything, was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?

    I will say everything we learnt in our course this semester has helped me be able to improve on my writing skills and how to conduct a research and i feel this is all a stepping stone to a better writing and learning skills.

  4. Giselle

    • How I would compare/contrast work that I did early in the semester to now is by the question that is asking in the problem assignment because it could be similar of what it鈥檚 asking for us to do.
    • My favorite assignment was the Perusal assignment because I get to read the article and annotate which it helps me learn more about the article like what鈥檚 the article about and it was fun to read an article because I get to learn new information. My least favorite assignment was finding 3 reliable sources for the Reflection Annotated Bibliography essay because it was hard finding 3 reliable sources to write on the essay.
    • Some notable lessons that have stuck with me after completing certain assignments is to keep trying and don鈥檛 give up until I鈥檝e tried because this has helped me to keep on trying, even though it may be hard to answer.
    • What changed in my writing as the genres and assignments changed is what the assignment wanted me to write.
    • How I make my decisions in my assignments about content and design is that I think about it first of what I need to write and then I write it down, after I finish writing it down, I read it all over again and review it, in case if I wrote something wrong, or something was missing in my sentence.
    • My early assumptions/beliefs about myself and my writing is that I believed in myself that I can do well in ENG 1101 and I believed that I can do well at my writing or learn more of how to improve in my writing. Yes, they have changed because I realized that I got better in my writing and that I was doing well in the class.
    • My experience for revising assignments was good because I got to learn more about my writing skills of what I struggled and didn鈥檛 struggle at so this like helps me see of how much I improved to now and my past work.
    • The Reflective Annotated Bibliography was particularly challenging for me in this course for this semester. I overcome it by trying it first and not give up to see if I could understand it first or I would just like reread the question of what I need to write again, trying to understand it and by doing my best work for this assignment.
  5. kenny

    1. At the beginning of the semester, I thought the content in the class would be complicated, but it was not. But now I teach new content every time in class which is very interesting to me.

    2. So far, there is no assignment that I don鈥檛 like because some assignments are easy and some are just okay. It鈥檚 not difficult so I take the time to review them.

    3. After completing some assignments, there are some noteworthy lessons, but I did not read the articles carefully, and sometimes I would be lazy and read some parts casually, but I tried to change my bad habits and understand.

    4. My writing has changed, how to use the right writing strategies and choices, and try to use some new vocabulary in my writing.

    5.In the assignments, I analyzed and followed the content requirements of the respective fields to decide on the content and design.

    6.I had confidence in myself early on to speak and write in class, and i believed i could get a good grade in writing, or learn more about how to improve my writing.

  6. Valentina Martinez

    路       How would you compare/contrast work you did early in the semester to now?

    A: I feel my writing is much better than early in the semester, I think my vocabulary, grammar and reading improved so far. 

    路       What was your favorite/least favorite assignment and why?

    A: My favorite assignment is the unit number 3, I鈥檓 excited to do a podcast for my final assignment, my least favorite maybe are the comments in the readings, sometimes I don鈥檛 know what to say or comment.

    路       What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?

    A: One of the first ones is the recommendation of read questions about the reading before start, other one is the logos, ethos and pathos.

    路       What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?

    A: Give more attention to the structure to the reading and think in for what type of audience it is, so I can notice their writing decisions.

    路       How did you make decisions in your assignments about content and design?

    A: In things that I鈥檓 interesting in. 

    路       What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? Explain.

    A: I believed that my writing wasn鈥檛 good, and that I was going to struggle with that, because in the past I had problems writing.

    路       What was your experience of revising assignments?

    A: I think my experience was good, with every assignment l learned new things even when I maybe had mistakes.                    

    路       What, if anything, was particularly challenging for you in our course this seems and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?

    A:  Something particularly challenging for me I think is extend a little more in my writing.

  7. marias

    • How would you compare/contrast work you did early in the semester to now?

    I think I’m expanding my vocabulary and reflecting on things a little more before writing.

    • What was your favorite/least favorite assignment and why?

    My favorite assignment is to choose topics to research because it is very interesting to learn new things.

    • What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?

    You should always have something to back up what you say, for example, you should do research and. see that it is true.

    • What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?

    Before I didn’t like to read and when I did I didn’t try to understand the reading but now I try to understand and my writing has improved a lot.

    • How did you make decisions in your assignments about content and design?

    I always try to be guided by an example.

    • What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing? Have they since changed? Explain.

     I didn’t think it was important but now I understand that it is very important and necessary for everything.

    • What was your experience reviewing assignments?

     It makes you notice many things that you normally don’t.

    • What, if anything, was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome it (or attempt to)?

     Writing but I am overcoming it by practicing it.

  8. Melanie

    • At first I thought that the work would be more difficult but with the explanations that Noa has given every day they help me make the work easier.
    • The truth is I don’t have tasks that I don’t like. All the tasks we do are interesting and do not inform more.
    • I would say that I have learned to find information from good sources, and what is ethos, pathos and logos.
    • My writing has changed a lot because now I can choose the right words to make readers understand my point of view.
    • I knew that my writing was not as good as I thought and in class I have been making new changes in my thinking and writing.
    • Based on my experience I would say it was good since through this I was able to detect the mistakes I had made in my assignments.
    • I would say that I have improved in every aspect thanks to the class I have been taking, my skills improved and my learning too.

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