Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

3/11/24: Research Topic Reflection

Reflect on the writing that you have done so far (the education narrative drafts, posts on the class OpenLab site and Perusall, all of the in class writings, writing about genre, rhetorical situations/choices, etc.)  Now think about your proposed research project. Specifically answer each question and post them on the class OpenLab site:

  • What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?
  • Why does your argument matter?
  • In what ways have you narrowed your topic?
  • What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?
  • What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?
  • What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)?


  1. Kevin

    1. I still havent reaserches about this topic in genera but one thing I remember is that I saw a content creator I know use perfumes from temu to see their quality and he got rashes from the persumes he used since they were poorly made and very very low quality ingrediants.
    2. It is for people that want to buy a persume but dont want to use the money there are many perfumes that are in a more affordable price range so it would be better to buy those than the persumes that are poorl made and sold in random locations or in the internet.
    3. That poorly made perfumes can be harmfull and really not worth your money.
    4. Are poorly made perfumes bad for you?, What can they cause?.
    5. Nothing really
    6. I think I will use youtube and online articles.
  2. Achraf Belli

    1-I choose talking about drugs in the streets and not really any drugs I will talk about the cheap and bad drugs ,why I choose this topic because I saw a lot of people in my neighborhood died because of that .

    2-I will try to make the community aware of the seriousness of this topic and do what ever needs to at least stop or reduce this bad drugs in the streets.

    3-it’s too hard talking about drugs in general that why I choose talking only about the cheap and bad drugs.

    4-How this drugs comes to the streets? What we can do to stop them? What the government thinks about this topic? What’s the efforts made to try to stop this ?

    5- At least talking about a topic that every body scared to talk about .

    6-Newspaper, article and probably some books

  3. Valentina Martinez

    ·       What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    A: My career is oriented towards fashion, I have read and watched many documentaries about how this industry affects the environment and I am surprised that not many people have information about this.

    ·       Why does your argument matter?

    A: The fashion industry is gigantic and leaves a huge environmental footprint on the planet. I would like to give readers the necessary information so that they can make smarter decisions when purchasing.

    ·       In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    A: I choice the fashion industry and the impact in the environment, then I decided focus in the textile industry and how it affects the world.

    ·       What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    A: 1. What environmental problems arise from textile production?

    2. What are better methods for producing textiles?

    3. Which countries are affected by clothing landfills (such as one in Chile)

    ·       What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    A: For now, I have not had any problems, other than with the decision making when choosing what topic to focus on since there are many interesting options.

    ·       What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    A: I’ll used information from the United States Environmental Protection agency:

    Also YouTube, google scholar and others. 


  4. Caleb

    • The personal investment that I have in the research that I have chosen is that it will help discuss the issues of global warming. 


    • I feel the reason why my argument matters is the effects of the warming of the earth by the activities of humans and this can destroy the earth in the future. 


    • I have been able to narrow my research down to some parts of Africa and the United States. 


    • 1.When will people stop using illegal ways to mine for natural minerals from the earth. 

    2.What will the government leader do to help reduce global warming. 


    • I am currently finding out some more facts about global warming. 


    • I will use online sources, magazines, and some newspapers. 

  5. Brian Chong

    1. Personal investment… nope… I would say now is an information & network era’, so I would say you can get pretty much any information you want from the internet, I would research my topic from wikipedia and article from City Tech Library.
    2. My main point is about the trends of the future & which places or countries are safe to live…
    3. I would just research about the countries, how it’s doing, how it’s going, it is stable.
    4. Geography, resources and national polity
    5. What I’m scared about is, it will be too extreme.
    6. Online/newspaper/magazine article & books
  6. Junior Chamblain

    Research Topic Reflection

    1: I still don’t sure what I’m going to talk about, but I have several thing in my mind one of them is about the gangs crisis in Haiti I follow a Haitian writer on social I said “if you want to know what happened to Haiti right now you need to know Haitian history”  this is when I went to google and started  my research

     2: It’s for people who don’t know the real story about Haiti and to inform them the real story about what happen to open to show them our we can solve the gang crisis in Haiti

     3: what is the cause of the insecurity in Haiti how can we solve it what the history teaches us, the impact it has on many Haitians and many other nations in the world

     4: I’m not struggling

     5: I’ll use YouTube, google, book, and others.

  7. Kai

    a. I’m working on the research about how insomnia or lack of sleep affects sleep quality and how important is to improve sleep quality for college students .

    b. Sleep quality is important for the health of your brain and your mind. It can causes many complication problems in the body and affects lives.

    c. The way that I narrowed my topics is to find the key words for the specific group people or the time for my topic.

    d. The question is how do sleep quality affects you and why we should take it seriously as a college student.

    e. The references to support my topic.

    f. The mostly references I will use for my project are academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine and I might also use some online videos like Youtube or Tedtalk.

  8. Melanie

    Always when you walk down the street you come across people who smoke but they don’t know the serious harm they are doing to themselves.

    People can develop very bad diseases for their brain, lose brain development or generate mental problems. 

    I chose this topic because I always meet people who smoke, whether they are young or adults.

     What does illegal cannabis contain? What problems can consuming illegal cannabis cause you? What cannabis should they consume to not be so exposed to these problems?

     I haven’t had any problems so far and I hope to continue without problems. 

    I will use articles and maybe videos.

  9. Giselle

    • I’m still not so sure which research topic I should choose.
    • My argument matters because I’m representing what’s happening in the U.S. water and that it can affect on the people and the environment if we don’t make a difference.
    • Water pollution can spread dangerous diseases to the people.
    • how much has the water pollution spread? What is the effect of water pollution on humanity? What are the causes and effects of water pollution?
    • What I am struggling with most as I approach this project is choosing a topic that I’m curious about or interest about.
    • The sources that I will use for this project is an online article and probably a magazine article.
  10. Achraf Belli

    1- I choose talking about drugs in the streets because I saw lately a lot of people from my neighborhood died because of cheap and bad drugs.

    2-because talking about a topic every body scared to talk about

    3-I will try to talk about a specific drug is “Crack “ is a kind of cheap and dangerous drug so my topic is will be about this kind of drug in the streets of nyc

    4- How this drug comes to our streets? How the city trying to stop this ? What we can do if we want to reduce it in the streets ?

    5- show to the people how dangerous is that and how fighting against the drugs can help us living in a good society

    6-newspapers,articles and probably some books .

  11. kenny

    a. My personal investment in the chosen research is ai and how the ai influence people to use so much.

    b. For college students who rely so much on artificial intelligence to help them with various school assignments, this does not affect their laziness.

    c. I received tips from teachers and heard that AI from some friends can help us humans with many things.

    d. Why do students use AI to help them with their homework? (not sure maybe change the question)

    e. nothing

    f. I will use YouTube and online article.

  12. marias

    I’m not sure yet but I chose “The Impact of Social Media on the Fashion Industry”.

    1.What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    I think I have an idea about my topic because I have read articles and also my career is focused on fashion design, so I feel like I am very familiar with the concept.

    2.Why does your argument matter?

    My argument is important because in these times, it is never bad to learn or hear about topics that may be useful in the future.

    3.In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    I’m not sure yet about what specific topic I will talk about but I know it will be related to the fashion industry.

    4.What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    What’s the impact of social media on the fashion industry?

    5.What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    I struggled with the topic because there’s a lot of important topics we can discuss. 

    6.What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)?

    Article and online.

  13. Ahmed

    1. Personal Investment: I choose talking about mental health because I care about mental health because I’ve struggled with it myself or seen others struggle.

    2. Relevance of Argument: My argument matters because it talks about something important that affects many people.

    3. Narrowed Topic: I’m focusing on how Instagram affects how teenagers feel about their bodies. and adding example from what I’ve experience

    4. Narrowed Research Question(s): question like

      – How does Instagram make teenagers feel bad about their bodies?

      – Why does Instagram affect how teenagers see themselves?

    5. Struggles: It’s hard to talk about social media’s effects without experiencing it by yourself.

    6. Potential Sources: I’ll look at academic papers, online articles, books, TED talks.

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