Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2024

2/26/24: James Baldwin Writing Activity

I would try to make [the student] know that just as American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger – and that it belongs to him. I would teach him that he doesn’t have to be bound by the expediencies of any given administration, any given policy, any given morality; that he has the right and the necessity to examine everything. 

–James Baldwin

First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying? What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics?   

Please save your response in your ENG 1101ML D105 class G Drive folder, and post here in the response section below.


  1. Kevin

    First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying? What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

    That the world is a very big place and you should not be kept in a bubble.

    Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics?   

    I would have liked it if our school had cooking classes. Looking back I think that would have been single handedly the most useful class since I have to cook for myself now. I am not a bad cook but I do wish I would have had more knowledge in that field from school.

  2. marias

    First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying? What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

    I think James Baldwin was saying that history and the world is bigger than we think and we shouldn’t limit ourselves. When he says “the world is larger” means that there’s more to examine. 

    Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics?   

    I think the “necessity” to examine or the obligation to learn more about is because like he says the world is larger and there’s a lot of things that we don’t know yet.

    I wish I had been taught in my school about financial education. We grow up and it’s very important to know how to manage your finances.

    • Afrin

      1. By saying that the world is big, the author trying to tell us the world is very mysterious. Don’t stick to just one small space. Show yourself to the whole world. How beautiful this world with adventure, mystery and illusion.
      2. If back in my school there was a class which I could learn the history of all the countries of the world. If I could research some of the mysterious countries of the world. I always like to know and read about history.
  3. Giselle

    1. I think what James Baldwin was saying is that what happened in history was good and at the same time bad things were happening in history, like there were good times and bad times happening. I think what he means when he says “the world is larger” is that history life is bigger than we thought and is everywhere around the world.
    2. What I wish that school had taught me that wasn’t taught to me is more about history that I never heard of. I want to know more about these topics because I want to know if there were more information about history and to learn what caused it.
  4. Caleb

    1. I think what James meant by the world is big because of how they made the students understand that American History is something very scary to learn and that it is of a very broad aspect.
    2. I feel it was going to be more of a necessity to be taught economics and how to work with computers when i was taught in school. This is because a lot of the modern education is more now based on technology and that plays a very important role in the life of the student.
  5. Valentina Martinez

    Baldwin is talking about American history; In my opinion he is trying to tell us that the American history is more than the people now, that it is more extended, maybe he wanted to mean that it is more than the books can tell us. He wanted to teach to the students about it and extend their knowledge. With “the world is larger” he maybe wanted to mean that there is always more to learn.


    I think is always good take a look for more information, try to learn more about something because there is always going to be more things to learn about any topic. I think I would have liked to learn in school more about international history, in Venezuela at least in my school our focus was learn about Venezuelan History but not that much about others country history. I think this is important to learn for many reasons, I would have liked to know more about United State history before I move in. 



  6. achraf belli

    1- I think the author trying to let us know that we have the freedom and the all rights to talk or to write about the American history, the beautiful and the terrible history.

    2- he means by “the world is larger “ that the world is bigger and the history of the world more complex than American history

    3- in my opinion I would like to learn about the Moroccan history more deeply that unfortunately we didn’t have enough informations about it , the reason why is that after high school I tried to read about our history and I found that we have a wonderful past of course with good and bad things but make us proud to belong to this ancient country.

  7. kenny

    Possibly, when he says “the world is bigger,” he means a broader perspective beyond personal experience or limited perspective.

    I think I would have liked it if out school had music classes. Looking back in high school, I have it piano class and make me interesting to learn, also I would had more interesting classes in that field from school.

  8. Ahmed

    First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying? What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

    The world is big and huge and you should not be bound in one place.Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics? 

    I would loved it if my school had the stock trading class because it would help me now because its hard to learn own your own.

  9. Kai

    I think he want to makes the students think that the chance of have a better future is belonging to the student, and he would have more chance to see the world. 

    Before that, the student has to learn how to get that goal and establish it. For me I want to know more about the spiriting topics in school. Personally I think spiriting topics can help understand more and deeper and grabs more attention from me.

  10. Junior Chamblain

    James Baldwin Writing Activity



    I think he told the world is larger is because he wanted to show that the environment you live in is not the only place you have to develop, there’s   other spaces, and expand your knowledge in another area. For me, even if I take it in terms of education, I can say that he wants to show us that information is never too difficult to take and that it will never end as long as you absorb the information, it This is how you will see that there is even more that we can learn wherever we are, work at school and at home and there are more things to explore in this world which makes the world big because of   information, knowledge  never arrive at an end point, the more you advance, the more you will find

     I wanted them to teach me that life is not just going to school, having a family, working, and waiting for the day of death. I wanted them to teach me that there is more to life because if you look at life from the opposite side, we will see that it is not what society is. Tell us what’s in life, I just wanted them to teach me that’s because many people do everything society says and in some time, they’re not very unhappy and end up with a grief in their hearts

  11. Melanie

    • He was trying to get the students to explore the world because the world is big and it’s not going to end as a story. Students can find more stories that are more interesting. I believe that when he tries to say that the world is big, he is referring to the diversity of things that are on earth that we have not explored yet.
    • What I would have liked to have been taught would have been economics, how to invest our money and how earn it.
  12. Farhan Zaman

    First of all, what do you think of what James Baldwin was saying? What do you think he means when he says “the world is larger?”

    When James Baldwin says “the world is larger,” he likely emphasizes the importance of expanding perspectives, fostering empathy, and breaking down barriers to embrace a broader understanding of diverse experiences. Secondly, what do you think you have the “necessity” to examine, or the obligation to learn more about? To put it another way: what do you wish had been taught to you in school that wasn’t? Why do you want to know about these topics?  

    James Baldwin might suggest that the necessity or obligation to examine and learn extends to topics related to understanding diverse perspectives, dismantling prejudices, and promoting social justice. He might emphasize the importance of education that addresses systemic issues, fosters empathy, and encourages critical thinking to navigate complex societal issues.

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