Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

10/11/23- Writing Activity:

Reflect on the writing that you have done so far (the education narrative drafts, posts on the class OpenLab site and Perusall, all of the freewrites, writing about genre, rhetorical situations/choices, etc.)  Now think about your proposed research project. Specifically answer each question and post them on the class OpenLab site:

  • What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?
  • Why do your questions/possible eventual claim(s) matter?
  • In what ways have you narrowed your topic?
  • What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?
  • What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?
  • What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)


  1. Daria

    • What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen? During my summer internship, I was engaged in social media marketing for the Michael Kors brand. One of my projects involved the development of a new licensing category, and I opted for the beauty industry, focusing specifically on “skincare.” This choice was influenced by my genuine passion for skincare, and as a consumer who has been impacted by influencers, it offered a fascinating opportunity to view it from a different perspective.
    • Why does your argument matter? Studying how social media influencers affect beauty industry purchases is crucial. It uncovers how influencers shape consumer choices, greatly influencing marketing strategies and brand success.
    • In what ways have you narrowed your topic? I have narrowed my topic by specifically focusing on the beauty industry and examining the influence of social media influencers on consumer purchase intentions within this context. 
    • What is/are your narrowed research question(s)? My research question is: “How do social media influencers affect consumer purchasing decisions in the beauty industry?”
    • What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?           As I approach this project, one of the main challenges I anticipate is ensuring that the sources I use are reliable and credible, it will be hard  to find those that provide accurate and well-supported information.
    • What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.): For this project, I plan to use a combination of academic journal articles, online magazine and newspaper articles, and possibly some industry reports. Additionally, I may refer to blogs and YouTube channels of recognized beauty industry experts and influencers for insights into their impact on consumer behavior
  2. Jguarango21

    Writing activity

    Reflect on the writing that you have done so far (the education narrative drafts, posts on the class OpenLab site and Perusall, all of the freewrites, writing about genre, rhetorical situations/choices, etc.) Now think about your proposed research project. Specifically answer each question and post them on the class OpenLab site:

    ·       What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    When I was young, I saw news about wars going on in different countries and was curious about them, then also got terrified like “When is this going to happen here” so I was worried. But as the years passed, I would see this one person named “Pablo Escobar” and I asked my mother who is this person. She tells me about the horrors this person committed and how she lived during his era. So, from drug kingpin to the Mexican Drug Cartel. Upon investigation, I was able to learn who these are, the people, why they do it, and what they are doing to combat this.

    ·       Why does your argument matter?

    Mine? In this case, because it’s my work I must show that I have worked on this paper, and I know what I am talking about. I must stand with my thesis and support it with all the data that is available online.

    ·       In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    So, the Mexican Drug cartels are vast, and many of them, have different consequences, corruption, and related other countries but the way I was able to narrow it down was due to the fact the guns from the U.S. end up in Mexico. But how I realized many people didn’t know about this so I searched and found articles stating about this and it has been happening for years, but people can’t seem to take it seriously.

    ·       What are/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    Who is behind all this, why do they grab guns from the U.S., who obtains the guns, why is it so easy to do, where are Mexican authorities and what are people doing about this?

    ·       What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    The deadline and the amount of extra work I must do to have a great project and not just have ideas all over the place. It’s better this way therefore I can see my ideas and see what correlates and what doesn’t. It does seem to help that I am taking public speaking, so I am doing one work for two.

    ·       What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, YouTube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    So I already have a couple of articles such as YouTube, The New York Times, Vice News, PBS News, CBS News,  city tech database, articles, interviews from a radio broadcast, etc.


  3. Fairlay

    The research question is the impact racism has in NFL head coaching hirings. I chose this research topic because i’m really interested in it and also because i watch the NFL and I see the lack of black coaches even though the majority of NFL players are Black. My argument matters because racism is a really important topic and it is also still going on after all these years. I narrowed my  research question by talking about a specific part of the NFL in which racism has the most impact. The sources i will be using are newspaper, magazine articles and youtube videos. 

    • Akobir

      if the lack of black coaches is considered racism, why can’t we say the same about the lack of white players in the NFL?

  4. Jimin Yoon

    ·       What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    I want to learn more about stocks. I want to start, but I don’t know how to, and it’s risky I might lose money. I saw people around me do stock, but I don’t think the best way to start is to ask them. I want to learn by myself, and study everything there is so I do it without mistake.

    ·       Why does your argument matter?

    Because of how the stock market can crash anytime and you can lose money, and for example some people go all in and most of them end up broke. IT’s very risky small percentage of people are wealthy buying stocks and having stocks.

    ·       In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    Found what I wanted to do, but never started it, and I think this is the chance I start doing my research and learn about it.

    ·       What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    How does it work?

    ·       What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    As I research about it if the site or research pages are reliable or trustable.

    ·       What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, YouTube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    Youtube, Sites, and research papers.


  5. Dave Desrivieres

    Basically, the research topic that needs to be explored is “Gun Violence” I would therefore say that I knew someone who was impacted by it, and I remembered that it was quite horrible. He assured me that it was a pretty awful memory, so I believe him. My argument should be important since it didn’t just affect him; in my opinion, it touched a lot of the young people that live in Brooklyn. Therefore, I would, as a member of the younger generation, it should matter. I would use the question “how gun violence has impacted young teenagers living in Brooklyn?” in order to narrow the issue. Then, I will certainly realize the need for research on a minor issue. The greatest challenge I come across while tackling these issues is how? In my research, I can find a lot of regulations for things like subjects that I don’t want to be discussed because they are such an important problem in the US. In general, I’ll try to search internet sources like articles from magazines, newspapers, and websites. I believe using those platforms will be really beneficial. 

  6. Rojina

    The topic is about the Boxing Day Tsunami

    1. The world’s most destructive tsunami to have ever hit humanity.
    2. I chose this subject because I’ve always been worried about the world’s most destructive natural disasters and how bad has it ever been, how did the people recover? And even how it effected countries in the long run.
    3. I will be touching many subjects that have to do with the Boxing Day tsunami.

    question that help me to narrow down the Boxing Day tsunami

    1. What is The Boxing day? Why is it called Boxing day?
    2. What causes Tsunamis to occur?
    3. Is it human caused? Or just a part of life?

    people impact

    1. On the day of the infamous Tsunami, what were people doing, did they have enough time to get ready?
    2. The death toll?
    3. How many survived and how?
    4. What was the damage? Cost to rebuild?

    the problem that come after tsunami

    1. How did it effect the country in the years to come?
    2. Can another natural disaster worse than this occur?
    3. Will our city ever survive a tsunami as big as the boxing day? can we even get natural disasters as bad as tsunamis?
    • struggling with most as you approach this project that I’m being in trouble to give enough information for reader.
    • sources
  7. Nazifa Kopil

    I have no personal issue with the subject I have chosen. But now I think it is a topic that is widely discussed in the world. So I chose this topic. My research topic is How climate change affected to people. I think this argument is important. Due to this, a great disaster has occurred in the world. Humans, wild animals and even aquatic animals are being preyed upon. I am still confused on how to narrow down my topic. I will use online source, magazine, YouTube for my research topic.

  8. Akobir

    • What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    My topic is about vaping addiction among teenagers in NYC in modern days. I chose this topic because it is very important to talk about it and I’m deeply concerned about this bad habit

    • Why do your questions/possible eventual claim(s) matter?

    They matter because it’s about human health, and we can’t close our eyes to these kinda topics

    • In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    Who, what, when, where, why

    • What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    Why do teenagers tend to pick up vaping? Who teaches them that? What can we do to prevent it? What can we do to stop it ? When will it stop ?

    • What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    The struggle would be the fact that there isn’t an exact answer to why teenagers tend to vape, because everybody including researchers and teenagers themselves has different opinions

    • What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, YouTube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    I think I will use the internet, blogs, YouTube videos, interviews, and maybe even newspapers

  9. marylin

    As there are many interesting topics that we can all think of as one of topics regarding the deep/dark web, for me personally it still is an interesting topic since i’ve heard about it at a almost young age since i’ve been exposed to the media and technology at that time as i would hear the negativity side of it which started my curiosity on a suspicious heavy topic such as sites like this as The purpose of the deep/dark web?. Topics in the context like this matter since topics like this have a deeper meaning means a lot since there can be such information we probably might not think about especially with the case of the dark web, narrowing this topic based on the idea of its purpose and overall questioning what effect does it have? One of the sources. One of the struggles would be to explore accurate information being used for my source/topic. I’ll use online articles, youtube videos, and much source of information that relates towards my topic

  10. Anja Rrasa

    “The Role of Early Childhood Trauma in the Development of Adult Mental Health Disorders.” 

    1. What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen? 

    • I have a deep personal investment in this research because I have witnessed the lasting effects of early childhood trauma in people close to me and myself. I want to figure out how bad experiences in childhood affect how people in their minds when they’re grown-ups. This can help make life better for those who have had tough times as kids. I care a lot about mental health and studying it can help make better treatments and help individuals. 

    2. Why do your questions/possible eventual claim(s) matter? 

    • These questions and ideas are important because they talk about a very big problem. When kids go through tough things, it can really hurt how they feel when they grow up. By looking into this, we can try to find out what might cause problems and help them earlier. This can make life better for people and help us know more about how our minds work.  

    3. In what ways have you narrowed your topic? 

    • To narrow down the topic, I’m looking closely at different parts of early childhood, like what kind of bad things happen and how long they happen. This way I can study it in more detail and understand it better.   

    4. What is/are your narrowed research question(s)? 

    • “Do how long bad things happen in childhood affect how adults get really stressed and upset? (PTSD)” 
    • “Do certain kind of bad things in childhood, like being hurt, ignored, or feeling really sad, make adults more likely to be depressed or anxious?” 
    • “What things can help make it better when people have had bad things happen in childhood that affect their minds when they grow up?” 

    5. What are you struggling with most as you approach this project? 

    • As I approach this project, my main struggle is making sure that I do this research in a fair and kind way. Especially when studying such a sensitive topic like childhood trauma. Accessing data and recruiting participants who are willing to share their experiences in a way that respects their privacy and comfort is a challenge.  

    ï»ż6. What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, YouTube, TedTalk, blog, etc.)? 

    • For this project I will be using the book called “The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity” by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. The book talks about how tough experiences in childhood can affect us for a long time. These tough experiences are called ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). Dr. Burke Harris explains that when kids go through difficult stuff, it can mess up their bodies and brains. This can lead to problems like being sick or feeling sad for a long time when they grow up. The book also talks about ways to get better and be strong. Dr. Burke Harris says we should all work together to help kids with ACEs have better lives.  
    • _OceanofPDF.com_The_Deepest_Well_-_Nadine_Burke_Harris.pdf
  11. Jimin Yoon

    ·       What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    I want to learn more about stocks. I want to start, but I don’t know how to, and it’s risky I might lose money. I saw people around me do stock, but I don’t think the best way to start is to ask them. I want to learn by myself, and study everything there is so I do it without mistake.

    ·       Why does your argument matter?

    Because of how the stock market can crash anytime and you can lose money, and for example some people go all in and most of them end up broke. IT’s very risky small percentage of people are wealthy buying stocks and having stocks.

    ·       In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    Found what I wanted to do, but never started it, and I think this is the chance I start doing my research and learn about it.

    ·       What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    How does it work?

    ·       What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    As I research about it if the site or research pages are reliable or trustable.

    ·       What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, YouTube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    Youtube, Sites, and research papers.

  12. xin chen

    1. What personal investment do you have in the research issue you’ve chosen?

    i started love love the animals when i waa a little, and i had doing the research about zoos in my high school, so i just want to learn about more about zoos and animals.

    2. Why do your questions/possible eventual claim(s) matter?

    this topic is important because most people don’t know the animals’s life in the zoo, they mostly only care about seeing those animals but ignore if the envirment of zoos are really good foe the animals.

    In what ways have you narrowed your topic?

    3. What is/are your narrowed research question(s)?

    how does the environment of zoo effect the life span and thw health of the animals. 

    4. What are you struggling with most as you approach this project?

    i’m most struggling with the sources that i’m able to found because theres no much people care about those animals and theres not much people report that.

    5. What kinds of sources do you think you will use for your project (academic journal, online/newspaper/magazine article, book, Youtube, Tedtalk, blog, etc.)

    i will use the newspaper, acdemic journal, and youtube.

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