Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

9/13/23: Questions for Anzaldua’s “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”

Please respond by posting your response to Open Lab in the comment section below.

1) Why were Anzaldua and other Chicano students required to take two speech classes at their university?

2) How does Anzaldua describe Chicano Spanish?

3) What are three of the languages Anzaldua lists as spoken by Chicanos today?

4) Use your own words and in 2 to 3 sentences, describe Pachuco.

5) According to Anzaldua, what are some of the differences between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish?

6) According to Anzaldua, how do Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language feel about it?

7) What does Anzaldua say is the way to “really hurt” her?

8) What does Anzaldua mean when she says, “Chicanos straddle the borderlands”?


  1. Jguarango21

    1)    Anzaldua and her fellow Chicanos were required to take two speech classes one reason could’ve been for work but the reason was to get “rid of” their accents.

    2)    She states that Chicano Spanish is like a language they created to identify themselves with demonstrating values.

    3)    The three are (Tex mex, Pachuco and standard Spanish)

    4)    Pacucho is a language that goes against, standard English and Spanish, also considered a secret language. Adults can’t use them nor foreigners some words are vato, wey, chale,alchile etc. They are slangs.

    5)    So what Anzaldula says that chicano has combined two vowels into one or its like a way of omitting words also chicano brings back word from the “dead” in Spanish vocabulary.

    6)    People who have grown up with this language see as others like their Spanish is poor and inappropriate, they see it as shame or also feel uncomfortable.

    7)    She means the way they devalue her language.

    8)    This means they will not let anything take them down as they fight for their rights.

  2. Anja Rrasa

    1. Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take 2 speech classes so they could eliminate their accents.
    2. She describes Chicano Spanish as a unique language that includes English and Mexican Spanish. She also states that it is a language to identify Chicano people.
    3. Three languages are standard Spanish, Tex Mex and Pachuco.
    4. Pachuco language is considered a secret language. It is characterized by slangs such as “chale” (means no) “simon” (means yes) and “la pelona” (death). It is a rebellious language and adults and outsiders cannot understand it.
    5. A difference between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish is that in Chicano Spanish the pronunciation differs from Standard Spanish such as instead of saying tar for estar, toy for estoy, hora for ahora, pa for para and also the ll as in tortilla, ella, botella get replaced by tortiya, ea and botea.
    6. People who have grown up speaking Chicano feel that it is a poor language.
    7. She means how people depreciate her language.
    8. She means that Chicano people will not let other people talk down on them wherever they live.
  3. Engel Medrano

    1) They were required i take the speech class to lose their accents.

    2) She describes chicano as a “living language”.

    3) Standard English, Standard Spanish, Chicano Spanish.

    4) Pachuco is a language used within kids and teens, It rebels against standard english and standard spanish. “A secret language” that people from the outside and adults from distinct cultures can not comprehend. Pacheco was created out of slangs from english and spanish language.

    5)  In my point of view, Chicano spanish is more of a combination of modern and loose spanish. Loose in the way that they use the words their way and not how the word actually is but it’s the same thing. I see it as for them is like more comfortable and like their own flow.

    6) Chicanos who grew up with the language felt like they spoke poor spanish.

    G) I believe that she means people didn’t appreciate her language enough.

    H) I think it means they fight for their rights.

  4. rojina elatar

    1- Anzaldua and her fellow Chicanos were required to take two speech classes so they will not have an agent. and she mention about the work she has to do mandator her to speak English as American way. 2. Anzaldua describe Chicano Spanish as mix up language between English and Spanish. 3. Three languages Anzaldua lists as spoken Spanish, Tex Mex and Pachuco. 4. Pachuco is a language that opposes standard English and Spanish. And is also adapted from both languages. It is a secret language that is not easily understood by intellectuals and strangers. 5. A difference between Chicano Spanish and Standard Spanish is that in comping the vowel letter that come after each other to be one syllable.they leave out consonants when they come between vowel. 6. Chicanos and Chicanos who grew up speaking the language feel that they spoke poor Spanish. 7. Anzaldue get really hurt from people who determines e the value of its language. 8.Anzaldua means that she is going to save Chicanos from any one come against.

  5. Daria

    1) Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take two speech classes at their university to suppress their native Chicano Spanish and study the dominant English-speaking culture.

    2) Anzaldua describes Chicano Spanish as a unique and vibrant form of the language, influenced by various cultural and linguistic elements, including local languages, Mexican Spanish, and English.

    3) Anzaldua lists Spanish, English, and Native American languages as spoken by Chicanos today.

    4) Pachuco refers to a cultural and linguistic identity associated with Mexican-American youth, in the mid-20th century. It’s characterized by a distinctive style of dress, slang, and a little wide attitude.

    5) Anzaldua points out that Chicano Spanish incorporates elements from various languages and dialects, including local languages, Mexican Spanish, and English. It also carries the influence of cultural and historical experiences.

    6) Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language often have a complex relationship with it. They may feel a strong connection to their cultural roots but also experience discrimination or pressure to conform to mainstream linguistic norms.

    7) Anzaldua suggests that attempting to suppress or erase her native language, Chicano Spanish, would be a way to “really hurt” her.

    8) When Anzaldua says “Chicanos straddle the borderlands,” she means that Chicanos exist in a liminal space, both physically and culturally, between the United States and Mexico. They navigate a complex identity influenced by both sides of the border. This experience shapes their language, culture, and sense of self.

  6. Brinny Cruz

    1) Anzaldua and all Chicano students at the university  were required to take two speech classes  to eliminate their accent.

    2) Anzaldua describes Chicano Spanish as a unique language, how she says “ living language”  that has changed and evolved through the time. She also refers to Chicano language as a secret, a language only for them that identify themselves and a language that they can use to communicate.

    3) Some of the languages that Anzaldua mentions are Standard Spanish,  Pachuco and Tex-Mex. 

    4) Pachuco is a language that you use when you speak with your friend that is not the same language that you speak with your parents or with kids. Also, Anzaldua describes it as a secret language that not everyone can understand.

    5) According to Anzaldua, Chicano Spanish has significant differences from Standard Spanish. In Chicano Spanish they use words that don’t exist anymore in  Standard Spanish. Also Chicano Spanish collapses two adjacent vowels into a single syllable.

    6)  According to Anzaldua Chicanos speakers grew up feeling that they speak poor Spanish.

    7) How some people express in a bad way about her language.  

    8) Anzaldua means that Chicanos are between two different Spanish speakers and that his language is being forgotten. 

  7. marylin

    1) Anzaldua along the other students were required to take their speech class in order to improve their english accents as a way get rid of their native accents.

    2) She has described as mentioned “border tongue which is developed naturally” and more of living language behind her backgrounds.

    3) One of the three languages are standard spanish, standard mexican spanish and chicano spanish.

    4) Poncho much involves with an accents as said it switches back and forth (mixed up). Moreover it involves both languages of english and spanish.

    5) Differences between chicano spanish and standard spanish in simple terms as the same way in difference between informal and formal spanish.

    6) Chicanos speaking the language might’ve felt completely different in terms of speaking and ways they communicate.

    7) In a way as “really hurt” her can connect towards her own community and negativity surrounding.

    8) As anzaldua mentions “Chicanos straddle the borderlands” meaning as chicanos/as has taken their both their identities as sort of acceptance for themselves.

  8. xin chen

    11. Anzaldua and other Chicano students were required to take two speech classes at their university in order to eliminate their accents.

    2)Chicano Spanish is a language that people created and shows their identity

    3) Tex mex, Pachuco and standard Spanish.

    4) Pachuco language is considered a secret language that is adapted from english and spanish. It’s also considered a kind of slang.

    5) According to Anzaldua, the pronunciation of chicano spanish and standard spanish are different. For example,  Chicano Spanish collapses two adjacent vowels into a single syllable.and there are still some words exist in Chicano spanish but not exist in standard spanish, 

    6) According to Anzaldua,  Chicanos and Chicanas who grew up speaking the language feel shame about their language and think they speak poor spanish. 

    7) she means the way people don’t like her language and wants to eliminate her language. 

    8) Anzaldua means they will keep fighting for their rights and never give up when she says, “Chicanos straddle the borderlands”.

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