Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Fall 2023

9/20/23: Education Narrative Outline, Argumentative paragraph

HOMEWORK for Wednesday’s class: Please write a brief (1-2 page) outline for your Education Narrative (Unit1). You can click on this template to use, and fill in the details of your narrative in the space provided. Save your Education Narrative outline in your G Drive folder and share with me.

Also, please write an argumentative paragraph arguing about any subject you choose. Be sure to integrate ethos, pathos and logos into your paragraph. Post here in the comment section, and be ready to discuss in class on Wednesday with a partner.


  1. Jguarango21

    Why I hate the summer.

    Summer a season where people spend time outside, going to the pools, and beaches, having picnics, etc. The season in which temperatures elevate to 80+ degrees Fahrenheit. Personally, I hate it. I’d rather go to Antarctica than spend the days drenched in sweat and surviving heat waves. A physician and research professor at the University of Health Solutions states “Heat waves increase suicides, heart attacks, drug overdose, deaths, hospitalization for dementia, among other things.” We see outdoor vendors with towels around their necks, kids being red due to the heat, and uncomfortableness in the streets. I’m not the only one hating summer. 

  2. Jimin Yoon

    Coming to New York.

    I came to New York on August 7th and thought it would be a new life compared to where I lived. However, it was very hot where I lived the weather was the same even in winter and summer. I hate summer it’s humid makes me sweat and sticky. Like a visitor, I walked around a few weeks before school started, saw new places and huge buildings, and watched new things. Also, I just wanted to stay at home because it was hot and humid, but all my friends went out to tour the place, and of course, I had to follow. I just waited for winter to come, and now it’s winter and I’m dying because it’s too cold. Makes me miss Guatemala, the weather there is the best, never cold or hot.

  3. Dave Desrivieres


    A lot of individuals are credible in their understanding that business contributes to the growth of the economy in every country on the entire globe. However, it is crucial to note that entrepreneurs, such as business owners, have the mindset necessary to expand their company or rule it on their own. The idea behind it is to help the community make a lot of money. Therefore, starting a business is the most effective way to earn a lot of money. For instance, businesses may have weaknesses that cause the people who founded them to actually lose money since there isn’t enough profit available to expand the business. As a consequence, those individuals usually ended up with financial difficulties that must rely on profits to start over and reestablish his or her the corporation. Which is really complicated for those people to have happiness. A case like this particular case, I think that a major pourcentage, maybe 50%, of people on the statistics usually find a method of avoiding these difficulties through a greater performance and more potential investment or opportunities.

  4. Rojina

    Texting affects teens. Texting has a distinct impact on teenagers, which can result in many underlying issues including sleep problems, health problems, as well as leaving them very vulnerable. We are all accustomed to teenagers frequently being on their phones. No one is critically thinking about the long term impacts this can have on young adults. Also Several experts have to say about texting and its long term effects. The positive impacts that texting can have on teenagers communicates that it is impacting other aspects of their lives. positive impact on teenagers by texting, it needs to be done in moderation. Things like sleep are essential to the development of teenagers, and should not be jeopardized especially at a vulnerable point in their lives. Overall, I have mentored many young adults, specifically teenagers and seen how at times responding to texts can feel more urgent than prioritizing their physical, emotional, and mental wellness. I have seen firsthand teenagers lose sleep to stay up texting, or communicating on social media. Overall, this leads me to conclude that texting in itself is not a negative thing however, the ways in which it’s done can impact a teenagers psychological and emotional development, especially considering that texts can remain permanently on the interweb.

  5. Anja Rrasa

    Topic: Testing on Animals

    Animal testing is a sensitive subject. On one hand, it is necessary for scientists to progress on testing products before producing them. (Logos) On the other hand, we should think about the responsibility to treat animals kindly. (Ethos)

    Let’s think about how animals feel when they are used for experiments. (Ethos) It can be painful and terrifying for them. (Pathos) This makes us question if it is really worth hurting animals for scientific gain.

    We must also take into account that there are less cruel options like labs tests and computer stimulations. (Ethos) These solutions are logical from a scientific point of view and kind for animals.

    Therefore, when researching ideas about testing animals we should consider trying other ways.

  6. Daria

    The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk is a highly respected book on trauma. Van der Kolk’s experience adds weight to the argument for prioritizing trauma-informed care in mental health initiatives. Research shows that trauma-informed approaches lead to more effective healing. 

    The psychiatrist in this book works with a wide variety of patients, some of whom were military victims of the Vietnam War. They suffered from PTSD and the psychiatrist examined their behavior patterns and their triggers, because most of them, even after the end of the war, lived as if they were in a war, they were afraid of the noise ( and many other things) and they were afraid to live their lives happily because their comrades died in the war, and they didn’t, they felt guilty. 

    Emotionally, this approach demonstrates empathy and compassion for those who have experienced trauma. Overall, the book highlights the importance of trauma-informed care for the well-being and recovery of affected people.

  7. MD Azizur

    Life Will Only Change When You Become Committed 

    In the early 90s, a baby boy was born into a conservative family. He was the youngest and most cherished by his mother among six siblings. This preference for the baby boy stirred feelings of jealousy among the others, particularly his younger brother who felt overshadowed. The baby was loved deeply by everyone, his mother’s affections being particularly intense.

    When he turned eight years old, a sudden tragedy affected the family. His father playing a vital role in the family, suffered a fatal heart attack while the young boy was playing in the field with his friends. His siblings rushed to find him and bring him back home, their faces etched with sorrow. The boy, initially unaware of the situation, suddenly found himself forced into a world of grief. His father, whom he adored, would never return and was gone forever. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

    His mother, a government servant, struggled to make ends meet for the family. With most of his siblings married and studying in other places, poverty cast a shadow over their lives, and the boy is now in the 4th grade. The boy and his mother faced terrible financial restrictions. Her income was insufficient to support them all. The boy, who had very few clothes and included just one pair of school clothes, understood the gravity of their situation. He never complained and completed his secondary schooling despite the odds.

    Determined not to burden his mother further, he sought employment after high school, but the desire for further studies burned within him. He joined a company as a marketing representative, which dealt with computer accessories for corporate clients. Through this job, he immersed himself in the world of technology. and brought up a burning desire to study computer science someday.

    Years passed, and his mother suffered a stroke, leaving her paralyzed on her right side for three years. Miraculously, she recovered significantly, but her one wish was to see her son married before her time ran out. He acquiesced to her request and got married according to his family’s choice. However, the challenges in his life were far from over.

    His elder brother, who had settled abroad, brought their mother to join his family and also brought him to the foreign land but left his wife behind. The transition to a new country was despite the difficulties that lay ahead – adapting to different people, languages, religions, and cultures. Racism and adversity tested his resilience, he understood that this was his chance to shape his destiny. He knew that life had its share of thorns along with the roses, and he was determined to overcome them. It was far from easy, but he refused to give up. He knew that life offered no second chances. 

    After years of working tirelessly, his soul whispered a new calling – to seize the opportunity to further his education. It was not an easy decision, as he knew it would bring new challenges, He could not afford to let it slip away. So, with unwavering determination, he embarked on a new journey of learning, finally getting admitted to college after fifteen years of struggle, marking the beginning of a new chapter in his life – one that he was determined to write with hard work, dedication, and the unwavering belief that life’s opportunities were worth pursuing. The road ahead would undoubtedly be difficult, but he knew he had to persist. He was committed to making the most of his chance for education, knowing that it was his only path to a better future.

  8. Fairlay

    1. Life in Ivory Coast and the US

    I was Born in the US but moved to Ivory Coast right before my first birthday. 

    I grew up mostly without seeing my mom or dad

    I am Fluent in both French and English

  9. marylin

    Online Classes Better Than In Person

    Online classes has been a thing until it become more popularize during the mid beginning of 2020 due to the widespread of coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has affect all around the world causing everyone to go into quarantine in their homes and for safety purposes we had to avoid going outside in places, as the virus was contagious so we needed to distance ourselves for the past few months. However, things had change due to our safety we still needed to continue our regular routines for others, such as jobs and most importantly schools around, since we needed to avoid social contact for our protection, thankfully we have access to connect around the world, and with the use of technology it was a much better best option. Moreover at that time everything was relied on online as it was more of a simpler and easier access for everyone to get on. In which has been proven by an official online school website called “Dwight Global Online” mentioned “students have the flexibility to take extra time with certain subjects that may be more challenging for them, and move on faster with others as desired”. In addition, for many other students out there online courses can become a more safe comfortable space and environment among their surroundings in which can allow them to concentrate properly without any distractions that will usually occur in a classroom. Along with transportation, its not even necessary to get in a public transportation when the classes is right in front of you, with a simple touch on the screen you’re are all set.

  10. Emely

    Adapt to a new country

    I came to New York City about 3 and a half years ago. Before arriving in New York my expectations were different. However, a few months after my arrival I quickly got used to the culture and lifestyle, but there are things that I don’t like or that make me miss my country. Also, this city somehow makes you feel alone. Something I can hate and love at the same time is the weather, sudden changes are totally uncomfortable. I hate summer. It is totally different from what I am used to coming from a Caribbean country. Therefore, I have to get used to it since I don’t see myself returning to live in the DR.

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