The curse of the Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the most famous bridges worldwide. It opened in 1883, connecting from Brooklyn to Manhattan. John Augustus Roebling designed the bridge, but after an accident that resulted in Roebling’s death, it was continued by his son Washington Roebling. Ever since this death, a series of other deaths have accured on the Brooklyn Bridge. One being the Brooklyn Bridge stampede on May 30, 1883. Rumors began to spread that the Bridge was about to collapse which resulted in people running in fear and trampling others. A legendary showman named P.T Barnum offered to walk his circus elephants weighing approximately 42 tons across the brooklyn bridge to prove the Brooklyn bridge was not a danger. Over the years many have attempted to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, some succeeding and others failing. Robert Odlum, a swimming instructor was the first person to jump the Brooklyn Bridge on May 19, 1885. Although Odlum survived the fall, a few hours later he was reported dead due to internal bleeding. According to Odlum’s friends, he did it for fame and money. Following this incident many also tried to do the same, Larry Donovan was the first to succefully jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and survive the jump. The Brooklyn Bridge has a history with interesting stories that have resulted in tragic accidents.


CBS. “Brookiyn Bridge – Creating Grandeur.” CBS Team, 2 May 2003. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.

Prentzas, G. S. The Brooklyn Bridge. New York: Chelsea House, 2009. Print.

“Odlum’s Fatal Leap.” The New York Times. 7 June 1885.  Nytimes. Web. Nov. 2013.

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