A Walk In New York

The last time I had a good walk was last week September 19th, it was a Thursday. Sitting in the library bored and overwhelmed with stress from doing homework I decided to call one of my best friends. We came up with the idea to take a stroll on 86th street until we found something good to eat.

We started from the number 4 train station where we decided meet up at. As soon as we stepped out of the train station on 86th street you can feel busy city vibe from the vibrations of the pavement. You could here the music coming from the H&M clothing store as soon as you walked passed it then my stomach started rumbling. The delicious smells of burgers and fries was flowing through the air made me crave as we walked further down 86th street going 2nd Ave. Then that hunger when we came to a construction site on 2nd Ave, all you could smell was metal and gases. We made a right on that corner passing pizza shops where you saw what looked a like a rush our because people were flowing in and out so fast. But my friend said she wasn’t in the mood for pizza, I started to think she was purposely passing these restaurants just to spite me. There was a place where adults went for drinks, the outside appeared to be vintage and you smell the alcohol though the wooden doors. We finally came to a stop on 2nd Ave and 82nd Street where we encountered the most delicious burgers I had in my life at a place called BurgerFi. Right next door was the place that made us feel young again. 16 Handles, a ice cream shop, it had a kiddie atmosphere. After that stroll in the city my day was complete.

One thought on “A Walk In New York

  1. Your walk was a full sensory experience! If you enjoy writing about walking and food, you should record walks with great eating destinations. What a great project to start on the OpenLab–I’m sure you’d find others with similar interests!

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