City Limits Summary

In the story “City Limits”, writen by Colson Whitehead, New York is described through the author’s point of view. This playfully sarcastic character explains how everyone has their own New York because this city is always changing and you start building your own as soon as you lay eyes on the concrete jungle. He goes on to show his obessesive love for New York, claiming that since he has lived here it has ruined him to go anywhere else, but not only for what it is now but also loving the city for what it used to be through his eyes. The author still refers to buildings by their previous names because that’s how he built his New York, the same goes for the shops the took over what was once a place he liked reminiscing on his own New York. To me it seems a little depressing how he’s so attached to these shops and buildings and then they are taken down and something different is put up and he says you’re not a real New Yorker until you realize New York will keep going on without you. Even though things leave they still exist because they are part of your vision when you first built your own view of the city in your head

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