City Limits – Summary

In Colson Whiteheads “City Limits” He explains how he has his own New York, and how everyone else in the city has their own personal New York. He then describes when he first started building his own New York, on the uptown No.1 train. He describes the time in a sarcastic tone saying “It’s the 70’s, so everything is filthy.” In his own New York he thinks everything is still filthy because that’s his own New York. He also talks about how to make your own New York based on strong experiences that you’ve had in the city. He then goes on to explain how you shouldn’t listen to anyone trying to tell you facts about New York because if you didn’t witness it, it didn’t happen in your New York. He says that everyone has their own New York because the buildings are always changing and different people are always visiting at different times so their is no one specific New York to him. He then says in your own new york if your apartments could talk they would have their own stories and gossip about you, He then goes on to say how you should cherish these places because they carry all your old stories and experiences.

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