Homework from class on 9/18

For homework, write a summary of “City Limits” in a blog post. That means it should be roughly 250 words. Use the handout on writing a summary to help you decide what belongs in your summary and what does not. Choose the category “Homework” and add any tags you think are appropriate for your post. Also choose the tag for your group–I’ve added them all for this post, so you can just choose it from the list of tags. Publish your post by the end of the day on Friday.

Before class on Monday, comment briefly on the summaries of each of your groupmates. You can find them easily by clicking the tag on the right-hand sidebar of our site. Your comments might include suggestions to improve the summary, aspects of the summary that you would like to incorporate into your own summary, comments about the style of the writing, or questions you have about something they’ve included. Remember that we want comments to be encouraging, and that any comments should be respectful and helpful.

Additionally, you must revise Project #1 based on the comments I made in class and in my letter to you.

I look forward to reading your work!

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