Objective of the Project
Pick a quote from a song, a poem, a movie, or written work and develop over a 6 week period 3 concepts for visually enhancing this quote for a postcard of 8.5″ X 5.50″. Two concepts must have typography or typography with line art. The third concept may contain a photographic image. Writing about your design process for each phase of the project is required. Deadlines for each phase will be provided each week on our assignments page. The project will be done in phases:
Phase 1: Sketches on paper–photos taken and Uploaded to Blackboard drop box.
Phase 2: Concepts Uploaded as JPEGs to your OpenLab site & presented as JPEGS to Class for Critique. Written descriptions of your design thinking should accompany each concept. A preliminary grade will be giving on rubric with feedback for improving project.
Phase 3: Concepts Revised and Final JPEGs uploaded to OpenLab site and print-ready PDFs for uploaded to Your OpenLab site. PDFs should be exported from InDesign as Print-Ready at 300 ppi and follow the production specifications listed below. Final grade provided on Blackboard and rubric with feedback sent to you via Blackboard.
Production Specifications of the Project
• Final Postcard size is 8.5″ X 5.5″. Design can be either landscape or portrait. The size is based on the oversized postcard size at Vistaprint.com.
• If your design required bleed, an extra 1/8″ of image should be provided where needed.
• A PDF file must be Exported from Indesign that is Print-Ready. All typography should be vector and raster images should be 300 ppi.

Below is the rubric for this project.
Below are students samples of students who met or exceeded the criteria for this project on each aspect of the rubric:
See our Blackboard class to see the due dates in the Assignment/Homework links
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