Dear students, we were discussing how in the 1400s, the invention of the printing press radically transformed how information was communicated around the world. Well, earlier this week, a new book came out that brings that time period to life through the retelling of a bookseller who sold only illuminated manuscripts (those were the books done by scribes with hand illustrations) and how printing threatened that booksellers that existed. 

Perhaps something you’d like to read on your weekends. Get it on Amazon or at a local bookstore, IF you still have a local bookstore near you. To take a free peek inside this book , The Bookseller of Florence, for this interesting historical time period–click here. And for a review of the book in The NY Times see the article The 15th-Century Wool Worker’s Son Who Made Books for Princes and Popes.

Image from The NY Times Review–see full article at:

Complements of T. Goetz

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