Hi, my name is Adriene R. Overstreet. I graduated from Highschool not too far from City Tech. I have been at City Tech taking classes since 2017. No, I do not have a degree yet. I took a few courses at City Tech in the College Now Program during high school. Who would have thought that I would be back at City Tech again? I am more than familiar with most of what is here, I have been in all the buildings pretty much.

Next year or so I would hope to officially graduate however, I went to a Private Catholic College out of state, and I was there for a year and then I transferred to City Tech a lot of good and bad situations came about this decision. Now I can say one of my best, though I am doubtful of every day. Mainly because I started out with the mindset that I would go away from my family and stay on campus but, this College that I got accepted to was not my dream choice and since I had already put it in my mind and spoke it into existence that I was not staying, came true I guess. There were a lot of questionable events and scenarios that had taken place that I was not comfortable with. At the end of the day if you are not entirely happy doing something then don’t do it. I believe that 100% now and it is something that I am no longer doubtful of.

Having said that, I am the oldest of three and my favorite colors now are blue and brown. My interest in photography, drawing, and painting has brought me to this major. For once I wanted to do something that made me happier.