SSCJ Research Team:

Members: Joel Tejada, Samay Shrestha, Sadeek Brown & Christopher Bello

*Special thanks to the PPP Coordinators*: Gen Li & Jun Liu


We have created a video that goes over the history of the coronavirus and information that can prepare our audience of the coronavirus. We also created a small pamphlet with key facts as well that will be distributed to our audience. Because of some research that was conducted by us, we were able to conclude that many Hispanics spend a lot of time on social media as well. That led us to create a social media account to post up some of our work. We also partnered with another group and had our information posted on their website. Our goal was to bring attention to the fact that the virus is complex and there is no vaccine, so preventative measures are the key to stopping the pandemic currently. Therefore, we decided to translate the research we did into Spanish to provide those who cannot read or understand English to be able to get helpful information during this time. The reason we have Spanish translations in our video and pamphlets are because we chose to focus down on the Hispanic subpopulation of NYC and a fairly large portion of this population speaks only Spanish. We did this as the Hispanic population is majorly engaged with Social Media and creating a YouTube video and a pamphlet that can be distributed through website/social media would help reach our audience better.

Currently, the video and pamphlet can be accessed by the website created by the PPP group. In addition, the pamphlets can be printed and posted around the city and neighborhoods as well as viewed on Instagram, while the video can be accessed via Youtube, all links included below. Our audience will not necessarily need directions to access the content. But with the appropriate use of hashtags on our Instagram page for every post and YouTube video, this will make our content easily accessible. Many Hispanics are proven to spend a good portion of their free time on social media and watching videos on YouTube. That means most know how to access our content on those specific platforms. For those who don’t utilize social media or watch YouTube videos, our information is also available in English, hoping a younger family member who knows English, can share our information with their family members.

We hope that our information will reach a minority population within our city and help them gain a better understanding of the virus, and where it comes from, and why it is important to take preventative measures. Our goal was simply to inform a population that may not have been given access to the information so many of us have taken for granted. Language barriers are hard to overcome and getting the information in their native language can be the difference between someone acting or not, to save a life during this time.

Links & Research:

(Links to Instagram page and posts)

(Link to YouTube video)

(Link to research gathered and used throughout the project)

(Link to the website created by the PPP Coordinators (Gen Li & Jun Liu)

(Links to raw media)

Note: The video is too large to upload here, you will have to watch the youtube link to view it.

Spanish Pamphlet

English Pamphlet