Week 3

Week 3 Reading Responses
Questions to respond to:

Q1: How does the MDA framework address both the designer and player perspectives?

Q2: Describe the difference between “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” in the MDA framework.

Q3: In your own words describe what “Aesthetics” refers to in the MDA framework.

Bonus: Choose a game ( that isn’t mentioned in the reading) and list the aesthetic components of the experience.
(For example: Minecraft, I would say Fantasy, Discovery, Expression and Fellowship)

9 thoughts on “Week 3”

  1. Jay J Gurung

    Professor Hosni Auji

    MTEC 2210

    February 15, 2024

    MDA Framework

    Q1: How does the MDA framework address both the designer and player perspectives?

    Ans: MDA stands for Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics. The framework breaks down the components of game design into rules, system and entertainment, addressing designer as well as player perspective. MDA lets us consider games in both the designer and player perspective, as dynamics and mechanics are crucial areas for designers, players mostly only care about aesthetics. 

    Q2: Describe the difference between “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” in the MDA framework.

     Ans: Mechanics are various actions, behavior and control that is available to the player during their gameplay. For example: mechanics that is afforded in first person shooter games are things like weapons, vehicles, jumping, climbing etc.

    Whereas, dynamics are simply the rules and challenges that creates a aesthetic experiences to the user. Dynamics provide structure to the players and a suggests them the way the game is ideally meant to be played.

    Q3: In your own words describe what “Aesthetics” refers to in the MDA framework.

    Ans: “Aesthetics” from my understanding, is the emotional experiences observed by the consumer when interacting with the game. It is consumer’s sub-conscious or conscious observation of the game’s mechanics and dynamics constructs a unique relation between the consumer and the product. 

  2. Q1: How does the MDA framework address both the designer and player perspectives?

    A1: The MDA framework allows us to design games from both the perspective of the designer and the player by establishing the flow in which we see certain parts of the development process. From a developers point of view we see the mechanics first the dynamics second and the aesthetics third. However, this is the direct opposite for the players who care much more about the aesthetics.

    Q2: Describe the difference between “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” in the MDA framework.

    The difference between the Mechanics and Dynamics is that they are two completely separate concepts with very little correlation. It’s like describing the difference between A and B. They are a part of the alphabet and yet they are two singular objects defined as themselves. Mechanics are actions that a player can take. Dynamics are the games way of influencing the player in one way or another.

    Q3: In your own words describe what “Aesthetics” refers to in the MDA framework.

    Aesthetics are the direct perception of the player. It’s how they feel different aspects of the game. What does it feel like to jump? Is the menu satisfying to look at? Etc. These concepts can be visual or not, but they are always sensory.

    Side Note:

    Thanks to the writers of this for using educational grants for codification of common sense instead of creating easy to use educational materials that encourage hands on learning! (I have a real problem with the whole idea of design philosophy and codifications of art. Mostly I think it’s a waste of time/ resources and that professors/ academia workers mostly just do it to cash out.)

  3. Rukayat Akinola

    MTEC2210 – Week 3 Reading Responses

    Q1: How does the MDA framework address both the designer and player perspectives?

    The MDA framework begins with Aesthetics, next Dynamics, and finally Mechanics. This order intends to reframe the perspective that the contents of a game are just another consumption product. And instead reinforce the understanding that the game’s contents is its behavior, specifically in player interaction. Hence prioritizing the players perspectives with leads with the aesthetics that set the tone for the game dynamics and mechanics. 

    Q2: Describe the difference between “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” in the MDA framework.

    Mechanics encompass the operating systems of the game at the computing level while Dynamics, still involving systems, is more focused on operations involving player interaction during runtime.

    Q3: In your own words describe what “Aesthetics” refers to in the MDA framework.

    “Fun,” or the aesthetics of a game are the incentives the developers/designer select to create an engaging gaming environment. The study dives into how different aesthetics like sensations, fellowship, or narrative differentiates supposedly similar game plots to yield or fulfill different gameplaying experiences. 

    Bonus: Choose a game ( that isn’t mentioned in the reading) and list the aesthetic components of the experience.

    (For example: in Minecraft, I would say Fantasy, Discovery, Expression, and Fellowship)

    Good Old Tetris (the retro arcade Tetris without color and 8-bit music): It’s my favorite pastime, so elements of Submission. I’m also constantly trying to beat my high scores or amount of cleans. So the game has elements of Challenge. You could also choose to start a new game at different levels and speeds, which is both Challenging and Sensational. 

  4. Presley Falkenburg

    February 15, 2024

    MTEC2210 – Week 3 Reading Responses

    Q1: How does the MDA framework address both the designer and player perspectives?

    The MDA framework addresses both the designer and player perspectives by considering games as designed artifacts. From the designer’s perspective, mechanics lead to dynamic system behavior which in turn results in specific aesthetic experiences for the player. From the player’s viewpoint aesthetics set the tone influencing dynamics and the mechanics. It encourages atotal understanding, allowing observation of how changes in one layer can impact others.

    Q2: Describe the difference between “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” in the MDA framework.

    In the MDA framework, “Mechanics” refers to the specific components of a game focusing on data representation and algorithms. These are the fundamental building blocks of gameplay, such as the rules, controls, and interactions. On the other hand, “Dynamics” describes the run-time behavior of these mechanics, illustrating how they interact with each other and respond to player inputs over time. Mechanics are the rules, while dynamics are the resulting behaviors and interactions within the game.

    Q3: In your own words describe what “Aesthetics” refers to in the MDA framework.

    “Aesthetics” refers to the emotional responses evoked in players when they interact with the game system. It goes beyond traditional terms like “fun” or “gameplay” and uses a more directed vocabulary. Aesthetic goals include elements like Sensation, Fantasy, Narrative, Challenge, Fellowship, Discovery, Expression, and Submission. In the game “Quake,” the aesthetics may involve elements like Challenge, Sensation, Competition, and Fantasy, contributing to the overall player experience.

  5. Q1

    The MDA framework helps the designers build better games by focusing on mechanics which are the rules in the games and dynamics which is how the game plays out and Aesthetics which is how the player feels. Players can experience all these things.


    Mechanics are the rules that help the game operate establishing what players can and cannot due. The difference with dynamics is that dynamics are the actual experiences, events, player choices and the consequences of making that choice. The walking dead games are good examples of having player choice dynamics.


    Aesthetics I would say are the emotions of players that come from the visuals of the games. When a game is open world and has a beautiful scenery, it makes you feel like you are in the world doing things in that game.

  6. Q1: The MDA framework breaks down a game into distinct components and treats the game like a designed artifact. Making it easier to support clearer design choices and analysis at all levels of study and development for the game.

    Q2: “Mechanics” refers to the rules and interactions hard coded into the game while “Dynamics” refers to the strategies and interactions the player creates when playing the game.

    Q3: “Aesthetics” refers to the fun or emotions a player has when interacting with the game.

  7. Q1: The MDA framework addresses both designer and player perspectives by separating the elements of video games into several aspects, such as mechanics, dynamics, and aesthetics. The player initially experiences the video game’s aesthetic design choices from the developers. Then, as the player continues to engage with the game, the designer’s mechanics, or rules, make the player dynamically interact with their surroundings.

    Q2: The difference between the two elements of “Mechanics” and “Dynamics” as described in the MDA framework is that dynamics are based on mechanics. The mechanics are the basic rules of the game to either limit or give power to the player to influence their experience. Dynamics on the other hand are not specifically designed by the designer but crop up as a result of the mechanics. An example of this would be the ability to get to an area earlier than you’re supposed to in a game like Super Mario.

    Q3: In the MDA framework, “Aesthetics” is described as being the player’s response to the designer’s design choices in their video game. They are the emotions that the players feel, generally as a result of deliberate design decisions. For instance, Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is designed to be frustrating as a result of the game’s mechanics, and therefore dynamics present in the game.

  8. A1F: The MDA framework addresses both the designer and player perspectives by analyzing the game creation process such as the mechanics and dynamics which the designer would look at and the players experience which would have to do with the aesthetics of the game. Designers focus on mechanics which leads to dynamics, and players can experience the game through its aesthetics which influences how they see mechanics and dynamics.


    Mechanics are building blocks with rules and basic actions in the game. Dynamics are behaviors that interact with these mechanics leading to the gameplay with players.

    A3: In the MDA framework Aesthetics is referred to is something shaped by the mechanics and dynamics which evoke emotion and psychological responses within the game. 

    A_Bonus:  Hollow knights aesthetic components include exploration, mystery, and adventure

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