In this internship ,it teaches me how the work follow of the real world looks like.I get assigned project and have to submit on due dates.My first project assigned by my supervisor was to do a Letter head.he also provides me with duties related to my field.He provided me with the logo, color palette and a example. However after 4 different layout. he like a simple one.My supervisor in this assignment was very helpful , he was specific with how he wanted his letterheads to be.He even gave me the opportunity to put my creativity. He was open to feedbacks from me.I also felt that he was very supportiveĀ since this was my first, i consider assignment in the really world.I was very scared when i was doing this assignment.I felt like i never didĀ a letterhead before for a few seconds .Although , i did .It was a new experience that i was glad i had the opportunity to do.This experience taught me one big lesson which is the respect of due dates.