This is an image of a girl placing a post it on a board and she appears to be brainstorming ideas

Once the project assignments were handed out, it was all systems go for our team at OpenLab. I was eager to dive into the collaborative aspect of our work, and to kick things off, I teamed up with one of my colleagues. Our mission: to brainstorm and lay the foundations for our project. To facilitate our creative brainstorming, I turned to a trusty tool I have used in previous design classes, “Miro.” I set up a virtual brainstorming board, and the journey began. My contributions marked just the beginning of this exciting venture.

My teammate and I spent hours engrossed in discussions, tirelessly brainstorming ideas regarding content structure, placement, and the specifications for the design deliverable we envisioned. It felt like the creative energy was flowing.

But there’s more to this story. Simultaneously, I embarked on the other project, a task that involved designing the information architecture for various categories and potential subcategories. To tackle this challenge, I decided to explore a tool called “Optimal Workshop.” This software allows for a card sorting method, a valuable technique in UX design. It’s instrumental in understanding the flow of a potential website rebrand, and I couldn’t be more excited to put this skill to the test.

As I collaborate in my internship, I’m filled with enthusiasm for the learning opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. It’s a journey that keeps me on my toes and allows me to grow as a designer.