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Journal Entry- 4

Internship Blog Entries

In another chapter in “Ashley’s Internship Chronicles,” I have been navigating the e-portfolio interface on OpenLab. As I continue to craft my own e-portfolio, I’ve encountered some challenges that I believe could be pivotal for other students too.

The E-Portfolio Challenge:

Creating my e-portfolio on OpenLab has been an enlightening journey. It’s not only an opportunity to showcase my work, especially these journal blogs but also a chance to understand the platform from a user’s perspective. However, I’ve found that navigating through the interface of OpenLab and posting content isn’t as straightforward as it

initially seemed. This data became a point of interest during our team discussions in the internship.

Seeking Help:

In response to these challenges, I’m eager to meet with my internship coordinators. I believe that understanding what I’m struggling with will not only help me improve but also contribute to the creation of tutorials for OpenLab students. Learning from my mistakes is an essential part of growth, and I’m excited to collaborate with my coordinators to make the platform more accessible to everyone.

Communicating My Findings:

To prepare for our meeting, I’ve put together two crucial documents: an Information Architecture Report and a User Experience (UX) Report. These documents encapsulate my findings, highlighting the pain points and areas that could use improvement. They serve as valuable tools to communicate my observations and insights effectively.

While I’m gaining practical experience, I’m also contributing to enhancing the user experience on OpenLab. This is the essence of learning in a real-world setting identifying issues, working to resolve them, and sharing the knowledge with the community.