Announcement: Exam 2 is on Thursday Nov 15

Do you know their names yet?

This is a reminder that exam #2 will be on Thursday, November 15, 11:30 AM SHARP. Please arrive early! I have deleted one work of art from the short list for exam #2. Hieronymous Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights will NOT be on the exam. We will not cover any art from the Reformation period for this exam. Images for slide lists 4-6 are now available.

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Discussion Topic: Virtual Michelangelo

As a non Artist critic I would say that I think that Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, is a very creative and descriptive painting; not in a sense that there is too much detail, but enough so that the viewing critic can understand the events and complexity of the fresco painting. His shading and description of the human body is remarkable, the best i have seen thus far. He brings back the artistry from Greek painting of the “Ideal man”. I think this fresco painting is still important for contemporary  society because it portrays the timeline of the birth of Adam and Eve and it does so in that of a manner where the viewer is able to understand it in a way that they will accept it.

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Masaccio’s Illusion

I had watched the following podcasts. Masaccio was one of the great painters in the renaissance period. One of his famous art work “Holy trinity.” It was a fresco that creates 3 dimensional views to the audient. He completely his art work when he was 20. This work of art has important effect during the renaissance period. He using a geometry technique was extraordinary and all element of architectural grow out his perspective design. He had created something never seen before. Masaccio had focus a lot on the detail of his art work. He had start a new era of art work.


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Discussion Topic: Virtual Michelangelo

Michelangelo painted the Sistine Ceiling in four years, 1508-1512.  Read below an excerpt of Michelangelo’s biography by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), the first art historian.  Visit the Sistine Chapel with the modern art historians of in Second Life, a virtual environment.  Vassar College recreated the Sistine Ceiling on their Second Life “campus”.  You don’t need to open an account in Second Life to visit, but you can tour Michelangelo’s work on the Sistine Ceiling via SmartHistory’s video.  I’ve added a video clip of sidewalk art based on Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam from the Sistine Ceiling.  What do you think of these virtual recreations of Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel?  Why do you think these paintings are still significant for contemporary society?

Excerpt from Vasari’s biography of Michelangelo in Lives of the Artists
When the Pope was returned to Rome, Bramante (a friend of Raffaello’s, and therefore little a friend to Michael Angelo) tried to turn his mind from finishing his sepulchre, saying it was an evil augury and seemed like hastening his death to make his own grave; and he persuaded him that on Michael Angelo’s return he should set him to paint the ceiling of the chapel in the palace, in memory of Sixtus his uncle. For Bramante and Michael Angelo’s other rivals thought to draw him away from sculpture, in which they saw he was perfect, and make him produce less worthy works, not to be compared with Raffaello’s, knowing he had had no experience in painting in fresco. So when he was returned and proposed to the Pope to finish his tomb, he desired him instead to paint the ceiling of the chapel. Michael Angelo sought in every way to shift the load off his back, proposing Raffaello instead. But the more he excused himself, the more impetuous the Pope became. So seeing that his Holiness persevered, he resolved to do it, and the Pope ordered Bramante to make the scaffold. He made it hanging by ropes passed through holes in the ceiling, which when Michael Angelo saw, he asked Bramante how the holes were to be stopped up when the painting was finished. He answered, “We must think of that afterwards, but there is no other way.” So Michael Angelo knew that either Bramante was worth little or that he was no friend to him, and he went to the Pope and told him the scaffolding would not do. So he told him to do it his own way. He therefore ordered it to be made on supports, not touching the wall, and he gave to a poor carpenter who made it so many of the useless ropes that by the sale of them he obtained a dowry for one of his daughters.

Visit the Sistine Chapel in Second Life

Sidewalk version of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam

Because of the disruption caused by Hurricane Sandy to the University’s class schedule, I have decided to forego a deadline for the remainder of the Discussion Topics this semester.  Please make sure you contribute the minimum of 10 blog posts to the course by the last week of class.  It is an easy, and dare I say, even fun way to study and to add 10 points to your final grade average. 

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Discussion Topic: Response to Masaccio’s Illusionism

Masaccio introduced a new element to the world of art by mastering linear perspective. One can imagine that viewers newly exposed to this new technique were taken aback as it transformed their prior understanding of conceptual spacing visually. There was a lot of focus on detail in renaissance art and this surely contributes as an example of detail. This added sense of depth created the illusion that the painting was three dimensional. Using linear perspective also improves proportions in which objects are painted providing a more naturalistic feel. Subsequently, I believe this added more meaning to the Holy Trinity painting being that its multidimensional appearance made it more realistic to it’s viewers.

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i think the viewer from the renaissance would have a great impact when view this piece of art because of the effect it has. it makes u feel like if you are part of the actual paint when you are only viewing it from the out side. its just amazing how some people have the talent to create such a powerful illusion. i also think that viewers would be kind of confuse because not a lot of people might see or feel that is just a paint and that they are not in painting.

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Post-Hurricane Notes: Exam 2 Postponed

The Williamsburg Bridge, one half in light, other half in the dark via Gothamist

I hope you and your families are safe and recovering from the storm. As we work to return to ‘normal’ and classes have resumed at CityTech, please take extra time to get to school since many bus and subway lines have been disrupted.  CityTech’s home page is a good place to start with links to the MTA, etc. We will postpone Exam 2 at least until Thursday, Nov 15th. We’ll discuss this further in class this coming Tuesday.  The short list for Exam 2 is posted and you can study the works of art as well as the vocabulary.  You can find this short list under the slide list on the class web page. Thanks to all who have been posting on Discussion Topics, I will put another up related to Exam 2 later today. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

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Masaccio’s Illusionism

I think a person of the renaissance who views his paintings would be astonished. They have never seen anything like that because everybody during that time period are use to seeing flat paintings and drawings. But Masaccio has created something that has  never been seen before. He created something that created an illusion making the drawing seem like its three dimensional. His famous painting called the holy trinity fresco which can be considered as true linear perspective drawing

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as time pass there are more ways to transport ourselves to many places in easier ways cars, bikes, motorcycles public services but before when non of these was invented people had to walk or maybe use a horse but my using any type of way of transportation take the essentials of walking and showing respect to the saint of god. BY walking you show how strong is your believe and faith using any transportation show laziness.i would definitely walk that because is a way in meditating think about every you have done good or bad end see a clear picture by being on your own walking.

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Pilgrims then and now

I was reading the resources of the pilgrimage. The way to Santiago de Compostebla was different from the past. Many people in the past went to Santiago de Compostebla mostly for religious purpose. And nowadays people take it differently. They walk in their own interest. Some of them do this walk in their personal experience of life and think about what they did in the past and what will they will do in the future. Many people in nowadays like to divide their journey into section. It makes easier for them and they do each section each year. Back in time, pilgrimage has to walk many months to complete this journey and don’t have enough food and the route for difficult to walk. I would like to do this journey and do it as an adventure and have time to think about my future and might get insight of my life.

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