Art has an origin which is the human mind it is owned by the creator. After being expose to the audience, minds become the new “owner” of the piece of work. It takes imagination and creativity to make art, to build something that can catch societies attention specially when everyone have a different perspective towards things, different points of views. Some people might think that creating birds with cellphones is not creative, but what they don’t realize is that something with a different purpose can be view as “messengers from the sky telling us that a new day has started”. It takes creativity to create an image out of different pictures. Art can definitely be created in many different ways whether it is  recycle or an idea from someone else and recreated from someone else point of view or from its origin.

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Discussion Topic: Can you recycle art?

Who makes art? Who owns art? These are some of the questions we’ll discuss here and in class. See how to different contemporary artists recycle images to produce art. Do you consider this art?

Please submit posts/comments by Saturday 9/8

See instructions on how to “post” and “comment” under “Blogging Guidelines” above

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Hello ARTH 1103 students! Welcome to the course website for Professor Sandra Cheng’s course of the Survey of Art History.  Our section will operate differently from the other sections of the course.  The web is an integral component to our class this semester.  I look forward to our reading, writing, discussion, and LOOKING together this semester. During our first class this week we’ll get everyone signed up on the OpenLab.

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