Homework:Response to Video on Polykleitos’Doryphorous

I do not believe there was an error in the video. The narrators description of the contrapposto was correct; He mentions that one leg is bent and holds little to no weight while the other leg supports the whole body and that the arm opposite from the supporting leg is bent while the other arm is at rest. His description of Doryphorous matches perfectly with the contrapposto.

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Respond to video

Contrapposto is defined as the disposition of the human figure in where one part of the human body is turned opposite to another part, which creates a counter position of the body on its central axis. The weight of the body is thrown to one foot, which creates tension on one side of the body, but relaxation on the other. The narrator says in the short film that “one side of the body is in motion and the other is at rest”. This is partially wrong because contrapposto says that one foot has to be holding up all the weight and cannot be at rest but has to be a weight holder for the rest of the body.

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Homework: Response to Video on Polykleitos’ Doryphorous

In this video on Polykleitos’ Doryphorous, the narrator deconstructs the features that collectively compose contrapposto. First, the narrator begins to explain that Polykleitos uses “theoretical rods” to highlight key points in the body- head, shoulders, knees, and feet- and defines two lines vertically and horizontally across the body that splits into 4 even quadrants. Demonstrated in the video, the model positioned his body bending his right knee back- adjusting the weight on his left hip to make the left leg straight- holding his right arm in mid air, leaving the left arm hanging- and lastly, positioning his head to the left.  To further explain the elements of contrapposto on the positioned model, the narrator explains that the features from top to bottom on both left and right sides of the body mirror each other; right arm and leg are bent- left arm and leg remain relaxed. From the horizontal perspective, each limb across from one another are demonstrating opposite positisions; right arm bent and left leg relaxed and vice versa- this creates the counter balance known as contrapposto.

However, when presented with the question of error in this video, my first inclination was to think that the positioning of the model’s body was incorrect. Originally, I thought the body was mean’t to be positioned so that the right arm and left leg were bent while the left arm and right leg remained relaxed, creating opposite effect on each quarter of the body. After reviewing multiple images of the Doryphorous and examining the angles highlighted in the video, I realized that the model’s position was correct. To conclude,  I am not sure whether there was an error in the narrators explanation of Polykleitos’ Doryphorous.

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Pericles speech response:

The reading on Pericles funeral discusses death and the idea of how a boy actually becomes recognized as a man during their time period. Furthermore the author goes on to discuss the hard times and their response to adversity during their crisis. In the present day one quote from Pericles speech would especially relate as he said “Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favours the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if no social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit”.  This quote in many ways relates to the United States going into context the words “Democracy” directly relates to the government system employed by our country. Additionally one more part of the quote further describes America as it says “class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit” this represents the justice system today. This is my response to how Pericles Speech relates to our present day.

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Polykleitos’ Doryphorous

As we know the contrapposto is the disposition of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition to another part, creating a counter positioning of the body about its central axis. Sometimes called “weight shift” because the weight of the body tends to be thrown to one foot, creating tension on one side and relaxation on the other. And as the narrator said in the short film that “one side of the body is in motion and the other is at rest”. This is partially wrong because as we know contrapposto says that one foot must be holding up all the weight and thus cannot be at rest but a weight holder for the rest of the body.

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Homework: What’s wrong with this video on Polykleitos’ Doryphorous?

Watch the following excerpt from the BBC on Polykleitos’ canon. Given what you know about the contrapposto, what mistake does the narrator make in reference to the Doryphorous?

DEADLINE: Please post your answers to this homework assignment before our next class on Thursday 9/20.

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Response to Pericles funeral speech

As i have read Pericles funeral speech talking about death and what makes a man a man in his time period, the struggles and reactions they go through during their crisis. Pericles saying “We cultivate refinement without extravagance and knowledge without effeminacy; wealth we employ more for use than for show, and place the real disgrace of poverty not in owning to the fact but in declining the struggle against it.” Saying this I don’t believe anything has changed from his time period to ours. When we people of today see crisis we blame the government instead of ourselves; when we are poor we say its the government ruin the economy; when we can’t get a job we blame the government instead of looking to ourselves. Pericles talks about ways in which we should improve our human presence. Take owner ship in what has been done and come back forth with a full urgency to fix the problem with hopes and pride. That is what a true man is, and Pericles sees this and tries to bring the light to most people in the funeral speech, but unfortunately in my point of view i think nothing has changed. And we are still at war with the government and other nations instead of fighting the real problem…us.

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Art Can Be Everywherre

Art can be created by any person because it is a personal reflection of one’s ideas and observations. Since art is a shared idea it is impossible to own. Once art is shared it is opened for interpretation and adaptation. As the saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” We can see this with the Senegalese artist, Mamadou Tall Diedhou and his bird sculptures made from recycled cell phones and various materials he finds in the streets of his neighborhood. He found a way to convey his love for birds, with an effective use of materials that would otherwise be deemed as waste. This to me is considered to be art because it is a way to convey a passion through a method that is not conventional. Mamadou could just say “I love birds”, however Mamadou shows it through a way where the whole world can appreciate the bird sculptures he continues to create. Art can be created through any means. From the music we listen to everyday to a bouquet of flowers a florist puts together. Art can be everything with a seed of thought put into it.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which is why art comes in a variety of forms that some might not consider to be art. Baldessari and Senegal break the boundaries of what defines art because of the elements used to create their masterpieces, and they are able to call it their own. The main idea here is recycling to make art, “one man’s trash, is another man’s treasure.” Which is why both artists’ work would be considered pieces of art. Yet many will still have beliefs in which art is creating something original. What they can not see is the fact that Baldessari and Senegal have created something original in unorthodox but yet in a creative way of thinking outside the box.

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Discussion Topic: Ancient Greek Men and Today’s Man


Polykleitos’ Doryphoros (c.450-440) is regarded as an example of the ideal Greek male. Read the famous funeral oration given by Pericles, leader of Athens, during the Peloponnesian War. Highlight one trait of manliness in Pericles’ speech and discuss how the statue of the Doryphorus exemplifies this characteristic. Then compare this trait of the Greek ideal male to today’s ideas of masculinity.  Do you think we share the same ideals as the Ancient Greeks?

Read Pericles Funeral Speech here

Please submit your posts by Saturday, 9/22. Please note the new deadline for submitting your posts has been extended for one week until 9/22.

For directions on  how to submit a blog post, see the “Blogging Guidelines” above. 

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