Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy had brought a lot of the damage to New York City and New Jersey. During the hurricane, there were many pictures of flooding spread throughout the Internet. Some of them just look real to me. But, many are … Continue reading

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Art History Parodies

After reading a short article in the Washington post on the pepper spray cop memes. I could recognize a couple work of art in my class. I think these parodies were funny in some way. Different people look at these … Continue reading

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Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

One of the things that I found interest was when Picasso portraying male clients with the women in the reception room of a brothel on Avignon Street in Barcelona. By the time he finished, he had removed the male figures … Continue reading

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Impossible Exhibition

I would like to go to the museum to see the work of arts. I could look at Raphael, Leonard, and Caravaggio’s work of art. All of their work of art had spread into public and other countries. It’s a … Continue reading

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Virtual Michelangelo

I think the virtual recreation of Michelangelo’s frescoes in the Sistine Chapel is great. It explains every work of art in detail. Michelangelo insisted that painting was not his profession. Although his major works until then was sculpture. Creating these … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

I think that graffiti conveys a sense a history because graffiti has been around for so long since the ancient time periods. Graffiti can be used to tell a story of many kinds of things. Yes I think that graffiti … Continue reading

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I defenitely think that seing the original work of art has a lot more impression on the viewer than a digital one . A digital one loose the sense of realism it might have and become just a simple picture … Continue reading

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Homework Response: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

Throughout the storm of Hurricane Sandy, many people on the internet and especially social networks posted information and pictures having to do with the storm. Many of the posts were true but some were fake. I feel like there was … Continue reading

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Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

To begin with, I would like to first say that i do not o to museums. The last time i went to a museum was about two weeks ago for my art project before that event I haven’t been to … Continue reading

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The Renaissance viewers would be curious and interested. They would be so curious in the painting of the holy trinity by Masaccio because Masaccio, using linear perspective was able to make the fresco look as if it was a 3D … Continue reading

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