Author Archives: william

Discussion Topic: Documenting Hurricane Sandy

I think hurrican sandy was pretty severe. Many people lost their homes, cars , belongings everything. I saw real pictures where the water in coney island was nearly as high a house. Many people that lived in coney island lost … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Art History Parodie

I think that after I’ve seen the actual images and actually learning it in class I have most defintely recieved a better understanding of these parodies. I recognize Eugene Delacroix’s painting of “Liberty Leading The People.” They made a parady … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Impossible Exhibitions, The Caravaggio Show

I think there is nothing wrong with digital reproductions of the acual art work. Yes I would go to see these digital reproductions because they portray the real original work. But of course there would be a big difference when … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Can you recycle art?

Art can be created by anyone. I believe that art comes from the heart. It requires thinking and putting that thought into creating something. It takes time and I see that he has put a lot of effort into it. … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Unpacking Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

What strikes me the most is the way this was painted. It was painted in a very weird way. It was given weird shapes and colors. As you can see the two women on the right doesn’t eve have human … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Graffiti as Art, Graffiti as History

I think that graffiti conveys a sense a history because graffiti has been around for so long since the ancient time periods. Graffiti can be used to tell a story of many kinds of things. Yes I think that graffiti … Continue reading

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The Art of Food

Yes I think that art is a type of food. Food just like art comes in many different types of forms. It can be made in many different ways. Food is also a type of creation, it is a very … Continue reading

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Virtual Michelangelo

I think that the virtual recreations of Michelangelo’s ceiling  fresco paintings in the Sistine chapel are actually very great and very detailed. You can see it clearly, you can see the details and it is very close to reality. I … Continue reading

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Masaccio’s Illusionism

I think a person of the renaissance who views his paintings would be astonished. They have never seen anything like that because everybody during that time period are use to seeing flat paintings and drawings. But Masaccio has created something … Continue reading

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Pilgrims then and now

The Pilgrimage Route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain was a very long walk for the pilgrims then. It wasn’t as easy as it is now a days. Some medieval pilgrims encountered good food, wine, a nice place to stay … Continue reading

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