Author Archives: Natasha Decena

Art Parodies

Art memes are becoming more popular and there has been a trend of them, noticeably on social medias, such as Facebook. I have noticed popular paintings parodied on a website titled “”, I saw one recently that parodied the “Creation … Continue reading

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Picasso’s Les Demoiselles D’Avignon

Les Demoiselles D’Avignon was controversial for its time, this painting was presented during one of the most significant changes in art when conventional western art was no longer used as a muse for artists. Instead, influences from other cultures became … Continue reading

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The Impossible Exhibitions- Caravaggio

The digital reproduction of Caravaggio are impressive and realistic. Although, I can understand why it is not the same as an exhibit with the original art works. One can argue for the sake of it’s authenticity. There is a strong … Continue reading

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Art of Food Discussion Topic

Being exposed in the culinary and pastry arts world, my concept of food art stems from a completely different background. So, of course food can be artistic! What artist Jennifer Rubell did with her exhibit brings a twist. I understand … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic- Documenting Sandy

It came to most as a surprise that Sandy affected the city as detrimentally as it did. I was aware of the faked photographs being posted in the social media and I thought it was a completely unsubstantial addition to the shocking … Continue reading

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Virtual Michelangelo

The virtual recreations of the Sistine chapel is the closest way for many to get a sense of what the chapel is really like, other than texts and photos; it brings the viewer into the space to see the series of … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Response to Masaccio’s Illusionism

Masaccio introduced a new element to the world of art by mastering linear perspective. One can imagine that viewers newly exposed to this new technique were taken aback as it transformed their prior understanding of conceptual spacing visually. There was … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Response to the rise of a medieval monastery in the 21st century

When reading about the Rule of Saint Benedict and the categories and lifestyles in which they lived under I was surprised to learn that some of these forms were considered monastic living. My prior understanding about monks and their lifestyle … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: How evil was Commodus (Commodus as Hercules)

Given the information in Lampridius’s biography, Commodus was an extremely cruelty driven individual- a grotesque, greedy, and barbaric person. To no surprise it was easily inferred that Commodus was only interested in being acknowledged and praised as one of “superior” … Continue reading

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Graffiti as Art and History

Graffiti expresses the individualistic and unique style of its creator and so it is definitely a form of art. Graffiti is displayed and acknowledged throughout the world, and ranges from simplistic pieces, such as tags, to dramatic and detailed murals. … Continue reading

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