Discussion Topic: A Medieval Monastery Rises in the 21st Century

This week you will explore a plan from the 9th century for a monastery. The St. Gall monastery plan incorporated a vision of an ideal monastic environment for monks who followed the Rule of St. Benedict. Consider the daily life of the monk in the middle ages. Read excerpts from the Rule of the Benedict to learn about what monks ate and drank, and how they slept. Then explore the plan of St. Gall, which was not built in the middle ages but now rises in Southern Germany. What do you find most interesting about the plan and the lives of medieval monks? What do you think is the appeal of constructing a medieval monastery in the 21st century?

Read excerpts from the Rule of St. Benedict here

Click here to explore a site on the Plan of St. Gall

Read a news article on the construction of the monastery in Germany

See instructions on how to “post” and “comment” under “Blogging Guidelines” above

Please submit your posts by Saturday, October 20th

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4 Responses to Discussion Topic: A Medieval Monastery Rises in the 21st Century

  1. The most interesting details I find in the plan of the monastery is the plan area which is set outside a place where the monks could go and have fresh air. If there one of those monks who don’t have the privilege to do so. Also what I like about the plan is that it is perfectly planned and versatile for the monks that need to leave and go the the farms or are for the livestock. What I find most interesting about the monks’ lives is that they all have to work to live in the monastery and they are divided into the work by their skills. What I also like is that the monks have their own brewery In which they make their own drinks. Not only do they brew their drinks for them selves but they also sell it for money.

  2. I find there architecture overall amazing. The fact they were able to produce such an elaberant plan during that time is amazing. For such a large location there had to been hundreed of monks to maintain and produce enough money for the monestary. It really is amazing the detail in each building and how they would of constructed the buulding. I wonder if there were more plans that we havent seen becuase usually for an architecual plan there are more blueprints.

  3. JonathanChu says:

    This blueprint is extremely detailed and well thought out. It was made with the thought of self sufficiency. I think that the lives that monks live are really interesting because its like they are their own little town. They produce food and have herds of animals and can maintain order in their lives with discipline and each monk has their own specific chores and duty to carry out throughout the day .

  4. I think the architectural plan was outstanding, based on the fact of where it all took place. The fact that these monks were able to build such a big, detailed and amazing monastery shows a lot for them. It shows us that they were incredibly smart, and it also probably took a bunch of monks to make this possible. This construction created a mini town for these monks, they had their own freedom, food and animals. They had no one to depend on but themselves. But by far the most incredible part of it is the mesmerizing job they did with the architectural plan and then building of it.

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