Author Archives: Reiana Amarsingh

Homework #3: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

While reading the analysis of Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier also known as The Falling Soldier, there were definitely a lot of discussions going on about this picture. I think that Robert Whelan’s arguments are convincing because who would really … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, Student Posts | 1 Comment

Walker Evans Subway Photos

Walker Evans is a brave soul to be taking hidden pictures like this of people taking the subway. it is a very good idea to capture candid pictures like these. It makes for a very interesting story. Using a hidden … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, Student Posts | 1 Comment

Homework #1 Cellphones & Photography : Reiana Amarsingh

Hello everyone my name is Reiana in the ARTH 1100 11:30am class. Through my experiences using an iPhone, I love the fast technology of taking a picture and uploading it to i.e. Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. Also, its the quickest … Continue reading

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