Walker Evans Subway Photos

Walker Evans is a brave soul to be taking hidden pictures like this of people taking the subway. it is a very good idea to capture candid pictures like these. It makes for a very interesting story. Using a hidden camera is such a unique way of capturing pictures and it is really a great idea. While it is a good way of snapping unsuspecting passengers traveling around the city in the 1930s, in todays New York City you definitely cannot do something like this. In my opinion, if I were to suspect someone with a hidden camera taking pictures of me without my consent there would be a huge altercation waiting to happen. Now you can’t do that because it invades peoples privacy and it isn’t just photography anymore. Social media plays a huge role in this because as soon as you snap a picture of someone the next thing you  know it is floating around the internet from Facebook to Instagram to Snapchat. It always causes a reason for violence to erupt. The way New Yorkers carry themselves especially throughout the subway, they always have their guard up and a straight unwelcoming face on. You take one picture of them without consent violence is waiting to occur and I’m almost 95 percent sure you are going to get confronted. The times have changed and the way society is set up now, things like this cannot be called photography anymore. It is a marvelous approach ,but not for 2016 New York subways.

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One Response to Walker Evans Subway Photos

  1. janettechan says:

    I totally agree with you when you said that Walker Evans is a brave soul because if I was taking the photos, I would be scared that the people would catch me take photos of them. I think using a hidden camera is a great idea to capture pictures of unsuspecting passengers on the train. If I found out someone was taking a picture of me on the train, it would be a huge problem because I’m not use to strangers taking photos of me without my permission. I also agree that social media plays a huge role in this because if you snap a picture, it will be on the internet the next second.

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