Hello, my name is Dino and this is my response to the Article and parody about the iPhone. With concerns to the article, Apple has made a perfect advertisement strategy to grab the average person’s attention. Instead of paying top money for professional pictures, that cost thousands of dollars to advertise. Apple took the average person and their everyday life pictures to advertise as a way to show that anyone can become a photographer. In my opinion, apple’s strategy has been a game changer for professionals and amateur photographers. For amateurs, Apple has help transform the camera into a digital machine that allows children, adults, and elders to be able to send a digital picture to anyone around the world. For professionals, apple’s strategy has hurt the pockets of professional photographers, who live off of taking pictures of people. But overall, Apple will always be consider a game changer for the average person.
In regards to the parody, the creators used the funny strategy to present what people do with smart phones. The strategy proves that humans can take great technology such as an iPhone and transform it into a selfie/food picture machine. Everybody who reads this, even me, has be caught using their smart phone to take a quick selfie or a food pic. But our meaningless stupidity has allowed us to become closer to each other. Every time we upload a selfie/food pic to Facebook, we are technically helping each other become a more open/closer society.

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  1. cindia2010 says:

    Hello Dino. I agree with you, technology has really impacted the photographic world. Not only are people taking more pictures but they are appreciating photographs more as well. I think the reason people take pictures of food and share it on facebook like you said is because it is astonishing how even a picture of food can be so significant to the photographer as well as people viewing it. This just shows that pictures are not only capturing a moment of your life but they portray a story by which the pictures of food people try to deliver different messages. Maybe some people want to actually show off their food. Some maybe want to show their wealth through expensive plates of food. I also agree that Cell phone images have helped the news, because when something happens the first thing people do is take out their cells phones to capture the event. It has helped people view a scene exactly how it happened.

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