Homework # 1 iPhones by Nick Perryman

Hi guys! My name is Nick Perryman and Iā€™m a junior at Citytech studying Communication Design. I love the pictures taken with the iPhone 6s in the Times article. My only gripe is that it takes experience to take photos like that, but it shows the quality that the iPhone is able to offer. I love using an iPhone because the operating system is very stable and clean. Appleā€™s development of the iPhone is legendary and you feel it when you use the device.Ā  The parody on the iPhone 5 points out a lot of the issues that has affected social mediaā€™s image. I think this video is a good reminder of the classic issues regarding the messages people try to convey on social media such as ā€œhaving the best time in my life and wish you were hereā€ mentally. The sarcasm and humor of the look of the new iPhone spoke in volumes. Adam Sacks was poking fun at the fact that iPhoneā€™s could replace the DSLR as a professional tool. Apple claims the image quality is as good as a DSLR and I think it come pretty close. I enjoy using the iPhone for making videos because I always have it with me. Honestly, I sometimes forget the creative potential of this device. Personally, I love using a DSLR and I prefer it over an iPhone any day, but I do recognize you can do great things with an iPhone and its convenient.


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One Response to Homework # 1 iPhones by Nick Perryman

  1. Geovanny says:

    hi Nick, i will say that i agree with your post and feel that in their ad they try to put some emotion and remind the consumer that they can save their images (memories) by just taping their phone. they want to show consumer that the phone will be there in the most important moment and also that they don’t need to buy a camera or bring another camera when they already have it in their own phone. If there is an event happening in that moment, consumer just bring out their phone and the important event will be saved in his phone. When he/she go back to the images they will remember that moment as if it was yesterday.

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