Walker Evan Subway Portraits

Walker Evan was most known for his pictures of subway passengers taken during the Great Depression in New York City subways stations. Walker Evan’s photographs seem to portray the struggle in the peoples faces during the Great depression. His pictures give a sense that the people are just thinking of their everyday lives and how they are going to move on. the photos show some in deep thought or some just minding their own business like reading a newspaper. Nowadays people in the subways are kind of the same thing, people now are own their phones or reading something and some just minding their own business looking out the window in deep thought. This series seems to portray a photographic documentary of the Great Depression, the struggles, and the everyday lives of the people in New York. If this series was shot today, I think the series would have a totally different feel because of the technology advancement. Now that everyone has a smart phone today’s people of New York in a series like this would be a series of just people staring at their phones.

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