Walker Evans was a photographer in a day and age unlike our own the reason the faces hold up to this day is because we have very similar feelings when waiting for the train the only difference now is that everyone is so glued to their phone that the expressions shown are now directed toward a small screen rather then to a newspaper. The reason his subway series was so successful in my opinion is due to the many different acts that one does to occupy the passing time, back in those days and even now as you look at children on the subway they are the ones that make the faces and spend their time moving impatiently waiting, where as adults now and with technology are stationary, expressionless as they wait for the train, if Walker Evans was a photographer in this day and age it would seem very unlikely for him to have created the same subway series “Many Are Called”.
Contact Information
Professor Sandra Cheng
Office: Namm 602B
Office Hours: Mon 10-11 am, Tu/Th 9-10 am or
by appointment
Office Tel: 718-260-5003
Email: scheng@citytech.cuny.eduNew York Times Arts
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