Homework#1 Luciano S.


Hi, professor Sandra Cheng and classmates! This is Luciano J. Sorrentino from ARTH1100 Monday (11:30-2:00) class. I am pleased to share this class with all of you. This is my second year at City Tech. I am currently Majoring in Hospitality Management. I am also looking forward to graduating within the next year. I am living in Queens, and I work for a food Design company out of Manhattan. If there’s anything further you’d like to know about me, please feel free to ask!

From gazing over the video link and article, I’ve noticed that it is vital for humanity to stay connected without being disconnected through the use of technology. For example, the iPhone has allowed users to take pictires and expose every aspect of their lives without even one physical exchange. Funneling our emotion-filled pictures through an emotionless piece of technology has allowed for more narcissistic and non-verbal ways to communicate with one another. While  photography has come a long way in comparison to the early years of its discovery, we now have near-professional quality cameras in our pockets. Within the push of a botton, we can capture what ever moment we think is worthy. Camera quality will only be advancing as time proceeds and so will our involvement with technology, but let’s not forget about conversing and being present with one another.

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