Connecting to Spirits via Photography

I find this type of photography very intriguing, similar to painters who paint while on drugs, its out of the norm and very peculiar. It may beĀ difficultĀ depending on the type of religionĀ you’reĀ documenting or certain things the photographer might not be comfortable with, like sacrificing animals etc. but if up for the challenge you will get interesting photographs like that of Shannon Taggart’s. This documentation is definitely valuable for people who study religions and psychology, it gives them a way to get into the persons mindset and examine things further. It might be intrusive depending on the people and religion, some might not feel comfortable being photographed when in a spiritual state. Others might not feel comfortable witnessing other religious rituals, especially vodou since it has a history of being depicted as evil. Shannon Taggart’s photographs are a different than F. Holland Day’s photo in the sense that they are documenting rituals instead of recreating or reenacting religious history.

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