Category Archives: Responses

Civil War-era Processes, New Advertising

I felt that we take many things for granted since technology grew so fast during the years. I think it is great to see nostalgic coming back to photography. Even though we have many high tech dslrs and point and shoots, … Continue reading

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Image Wars-Did Rolling Stone Magazine Glorify the Boston Bomber?

I don’t believe that Rolling Stone Magazine try to glorify the bomber Tsarnaev. To have his selfie published on the cover of the magazine would catch the eyes of the viewers but like what Fred Ritchin said “cropped version of … Continue reading

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Civil War-era Processes, New Advertising

In general there seems to be a return to some of the classic techniques of art, a vintage look is all the range.  I think this is a reaction to the rapid growth of technology and the precision that technology … Continue reading

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Rolling Stone Glamorizing a Terrorist?

Seeing the picture of Tsarnaev on the front page of a Rolling Stones magazine definitely brings up some controversy considering you’d see a picture of a celebrity on the front page instead. When the article mentioned that the same picture … Continue reading

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Pictures of Pictures

I agree with Roberta Smith’s opinions on the usage of cameras in relation to art. Nowadays the technology is so much more advanced than it was back when most of the art pieces were made. For example, someone goes to … Continue reading

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Pictures of Pictures

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a photo of an art piece. Considering this years Venice Biennale is taking place in Italy, I can only imagine people will be traveling there to view the exhibitions and would love to preserve … Continue reading

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The Rolling Stone: Glorifying terrorist?

The Rolling Stone article about the Boston bomber raised a lot of controversy. According to the article the picture of the bomber Tsarnaev seem to depict him as being a celebrity rather than the typical monster everyone expected him to … Continue reading

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Rolling Stone Magazine

In Ritchin’s article he writes “Images, of course, take on new meanings depending upon the contexts in which they are displayed”, and I completely agree with him. Rolling Stone glamorized this tragedy to increase their sales by putting him on the … Continue reading

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Photography is truth; this is a concept that has existed since the advent of photography.  While this is something in this day and age we are quick to dismiss as we know there are a myriad of ways photos can … Continue reading

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Pictures of Pictures

I agree with Roberta Smith that a large portion of art viewing is done through the viewfinder or a camera or the screen of a phone.  This happens everywhere from art exhibits, to concerts to theatrical performances and even in … Continue reading

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