Category Archives: Discussion Topics

Discussion Topic: Civil War-era Processes, New Advertising

Many photographers today are reviving the photographic processes of the Civil War era. A California news article reports on several photographers in San Francisco who are producing photographs with the wet-plate process. Even Louis Vuitton highlights wet-plate photography in his … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Image Wars-Did Rolling Stone Magazine Glorify the Boston Bomber?

The August 1st cover of Rolling Stone Magazine featured a “selfie,” a self-portrait of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the alleged Boston Marathon bombers. The magazine cover sparked much controversy in the news and on social media. Many businesses and chain … Continue reading

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Discussion Topic: Pictures of Pictures

In a New York Times article, the art critic Roberta Smith notes the increasingly common use of cameras, especially cellphones by viewers when interacting with art.  In particular, she discusses the behavior of visitors to the Venice Biennale, an exhibition … Continue reading

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