The 2013-Year in Photography

I chose the picture in Bangladesh by Taslima Akhter. I am from Bangladesh so I felt an immediate connection and felt proud to see that Time Magazine has selected her photo as one of the top ten pictures from 2013. This picture shows the power of love and they literally want to be there for each no matter what. How they are willing to be with one another even when dying. Plenty of innocent poor labor workers died that day. This picture is too sentimental—infused with startling reality. She was stuck under the concrete and her love done could not protect her although he had tried his best to save her. If his power of love was not true he would probably walk away without saving her, but he had decided to stay with her even he could not save her. He decided to be with her in his last breath in his life. That is the beauty of documentary photography—it captures truth, as is, no matter how painful it is.

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