Monthly Archives: November 2013

Can Self Portraits or “Selfies” be considered art?

According to an article on The Atlantic written by Megan Garber selfies have been around as long as the first forms of portraitures. Selfies became widely popular and was treated as a form of art just like the rest of … Continue reading

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Is a Selfie Art?

Social media today has allowed many people to take photos of themselves and post them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Every day millions of selfies are taken and posted through social media or sent through emails or text messages. However, … Continue reading

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Is a Selfie Art?

I believe that a “selfie” is not art. If you look at past self portraits of photographers and painters, they tell something about the individual. With a “selfie” it is just generic fad that has specific types of “selfies”. Even … Continue reading

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Is a Selfie Art?

In answering this question I am on a fence in between both answers. A selfie can be art because its depicting your personality which is art. Selfies can document yourself and what happening but at the same time, anyone can … Continue reading

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Selfies an Art?

I do believe that the selfie is an art. It makes the person who’s taking the photo be creative, and that’s what art is in essence. As the article has mentioned, self-portraits have been around since the first days of … Continue reading

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