Views from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

Yes, I believe the photographs that Versailles took are works of art. In my opinion, Versailles’ photographs of the places themselve is enough. Photographs don’t always need people to make them good. The way he takes the photo of the place is great in its own way. The places othen speak for themselves and having people in them would only take away the focal point. I like how he can turn something tragic into something beautiful. At the same time the photographs can also tell a story and set a mood. Over all I think every artist have their own style and Versailles’ style is great.

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One Response to Views from Versailles to post-Katrina New Orleans

  1. Mahamuda says:

    I don’t think any artist should be criticized for what they are doing, so Photographer Polidori shouldn’t be criticized for just taking pictures of disaster or interior with no people in it. Landscapes usually doesn’t have any people most of the times, so are those photographer been criticized? NO. From his perspective, he thinks ‘ interior spaces can reveal the collective soul of society’. It describes the people’s life without capturing those people. i think his works are amazing from the angle he chose that gives an abstract feeling. Another important thing is, he capture history, so that people from future generation can find out what happened in those disaster like Hurricane Katrina and the disaster of nuclear accident in Chernobyl etc. All artists should have their freedom of work. As the saying goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” so his picture don’t need any human being to pass the words.

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