Reminder: Midterm Exam POSTPONED until Thursday, Oct 24th

Andre Kertesz, Clock of the Academie Francaise, Paris, 1929Our midterm is postponed to Thursday, October 24nd at 10 AM SHARP.  Please ARRIVE ON TIME (come early!) because we will begin with the slide identification section and if you miss it, there will be no opportunity to go back to those images. I will be at a conference that day and Professor Michael McAuliffe will proctor your midterm, therefore, please be on time, it’s likely that you will need the entire class period to complete and review your exam.

The short list for the midterm is online.  During the exam, you will only see images taken from this short list, however, you are welcome to include a discussion of other works in your answers.  Please be sure to review the exam format (4 parts: slide identifications, short answer questions, two comparison essays, and terminology on the processes).

The processes for the terminology section include: daguerreotype, wet-plate collodion process, calotype, gum bichromate process (gum print), cyanotype, and photogenic drawing. You will be given these 6 choices and you will need to choose 3 processes to define and identify an example of the process (photographer and title). You should be able to define the basic characteristics of the process (ie, on metal, on glass, on paper), advantages, and disadvantages, and give an example from your notes or textbook for each process you choose to define).

Also, take time to review the vocabulary and important names at the bottom of slidelist 1-4 as well as the images. These important terms will help you answer the short answer questions and comparison essays. As you review your notes and textbook on the images on the short list, you will be able to identify the terms that are associated with each photograph.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions in class or via email.

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