Pictures of Pictures

I find that Roberta Smith‘s article, “When the Eye Takes Over for the Eye,” appears too personal to be presented as news. It is agreeable that taking photographs is extremely common in the world we live in but, that does not mean it hasn’t been happening since the age of Polaroid cameras. In regards to not being altered, taking a photograph is one of the best ways to preserve memories, give evidence of the truth, inspire, and much more. There is no denying that cameras have been more accessible to the general public due to the inclusion of them in phones and also low cost digital and disposable cameras. Regardless, that doesn’t mean they did it without a reasonable motive or purpose.  Photographs of art can be inspiring to people while maintaining a personal touch. It is unlike finding a photo online because you know what angle you want the artwork to be seen in. Someone could also admire the work to a point that they would want to personally own it but they can’t. Instead they take home a photograph, a portable artwork. On the other hand, if said person was taking a photograph for the purpose of indirectly saying “I was here,” I would agree with Smith and find that extremely disrespectful to the artist.

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